How To Ruin Your RIU Accnt.


Well-Known Member
For any RIU members wondering how to avoid losing all respect and being forced to Re-Roll an account and having to pretend your a new person.. Dont Post Shyt like this... or Start a thread asking whether you should Take Others Plants.

you know this fourm is bull you guys suck i am gonna take them home with me who cares fuck all yous everybody talks shit i am gonna be the man with the herb in two months or so i am gonna get truck now 4 hour drive to truck and then 4 hours back get some sleep and go get them right after dark tommarrow night so fuck yous and to all yous with grow watch your plot and get your buddies to help but this guy i am getting he fucked up code so its all mine fuckers

a True Winner.
I'm sure that guy thought he sounded tough and cool. Sounds like a girl that left her tampon in too late. (no offense to girls)
Did his sentence even make sense to anyone. this is what i got from his ramble.
i hate you guys, my truck is 4 hours away and i am going to pick it up. when i drive 4 hours back i am sleeping, and then i am driving to your house to kill you in the evening . ? i dont care about the turtles(turtles are cool)....its bringing up other ppls ignorance...if u have a problem report it to a mod....why bitch....theres already a thread where i assume ppl are arguing about it....why make a new one...unless ur trying to recruit us to go group-yell at him lol i dont care about the turtles(turtles are cool)....its bringing up other ppls ignorance...if u have a problem report it to a mod....why bitch....theres already a thread where i assume ppl are arguing about it....why make a new one...unless ur trying to recruit us to go group-yell at him lol

well dude is a complete a moron and very ignorant, i think the point of this thread was to embarrass him and make an example out of him... IDK kid pisses me off and i personally htink hes full of shit
well dude is a complete a moron and very ignorant, i think the point of this thread was to embarrass him and make an example out of him... IDK kid pisses me off and i personally htink hes full of shit

lmao I did the same shit to someone cause they pissed me off. Thread got deleted but still got my point across
you act like this thread will be around tomorrow. it will just join the endless threads to its finial erase.

You dont pay for the bandwidth, and your not a mod