how to save plant after over watering


i over fed my plants [two of them] then over watered them then had 3 days cloudy weather. now they are wilted, a lot. is there any saving these plants? also these 2 plants i dug out of the ground a month ago so not as strong.


New Member
yeah, water them heavily with plain water if they are burned and wait for them to perk back up.

otherwise, wait for the soil to dry out a bit and they will perk back up


this is going on third day of wilt they were perking back up at night but last night they barely did. can i wash dirt off and put in new soil? one looks really bad.


i notice i keep getting viewers but no advice i need help here common. i put them in green house right now and tilted the pots and put them on a palet, its warm in there is that also going to make roots rot faster?


New Member
yeah, water them heavily with plain water if they are burned and wait for them to perk back up.

otherwise, wait for the soil to dry out a bit and they will perk back up

as in nutrient burn... thats why you would water them heavily... to remove the salts...

there ain't much else to tell you bud, but you can ignore me if you want to.


Well-Known Member
take a small stick and poke the soil (EASILY THERE'S PRECIOUS ROOTS IN THERE) it should allow it to drain a little better i over fed mine and did this to get more water in to dillute it that was a week ago and its starting new growth now so i guess it worked


Well-Known Member
If you leave them out in the sun they dry up a lot faster but yea I'd heat the soil up with some type of heating tape and in no time it will be dry.


stoner dude i hear you but at this point it is over water damage. it may have been all along, i havent fed them in over a week. i hate to do it but im taking them out of their five gallon pots and putting them in some hardly very drainable soil. i have them in mosty compost right now. wish me luck


Well-Known Member
I certainly wouldn't transplant them if their in shock already. Like kho said, take a stick or a dowel and poke holes through the soil down to the bottom, put as large a fan on them as possible and hope they dry up. After a couple days, flush em out, poke new holes and repeat, when they start to perk up, drop you nutes down to about 1/4 and start over. Slowly adding more. Water once with just water, then with fert. Just alternate, if you see signs of overfert then cut back slightly. It's okay to flush with a weak nute solution. Actually it's recommended.