How to scam Del Taco


Don't you feel a little bit sad for the guy...?

In my eyes this was an injustice, but it sure is fucking funny.\

The sad thing is, he weighs over 500 pounds.. and could face up to 7 years in prison...

Too bad he is a known gang member... that is why they went hard on him..

Either way, this was the best thread I ran into in a long time.

He doesn't look much like a gang member... and I doubt a real gang member would let 16 year old white kids ride around with him. 7 years for this stupid ass shit? Remember that the next time you jack some eye drops.... you think the crime system doesn't take it hard on drug addicted stoners aswell?
i have pulled the scam on mcdonalds a few times. if my bail was $125,000 i would be pissed lol. there was a show on t.v. but i forget the name where a dude showed you how to pull all these scams. it was on comedy central and the dude had blonde curly hair. it is okay for a t.v. show but some guy does it and gets hammered.
ROFL, so karma in the form of cops got his ass. thats just one more scum bag of the streets although big as he was its more the equivalent of 5. serves him right fucking con man. I had an ex friend who would scam places like that by eating there and then when he was almost finished he would put hair in his food and bitch at the manager until they gave him a free meal. he was a fat ass too. he also sued walmart because he sat in a swing and it broke ( There was a sign that clearly stated it was a demo and that its weight capacity was 250 pounds) and his combined weight with his wife was well over 500 pounds. yet he got away with it. con artist are scum i don't care if its a dollar they get away with or 1000 they still need to pay the price for stealing. Peace.
you mean cops.?? Cuz that guy is dumb. Y would u tell people that u did that

Because it's slightly humorous? I doubt that cops saw it. How many cops do you know that cruise around youtube looking for people to arrest for their shenanigans? I'm sure some debbie downer called del taco and gave them the guys phone number and told them about his "scamming".
Dude.. the cops didn't catch him. Some faggot snitch saw what he did, and ratted him out and contacted del taco with the information that the DUMB ASS forgot to edit out of his video..

eg.. the PHONE #, the managers NAME, and the GOD DAMN STREET NAME!!!!!!!!!

Other then that, this dude is cool as a mothafucka.

Watch some of his vids

Dude.. the cops didn't catch him. Some faggot snitch saw what he did, and ratted him out and contacted del taco with the information that the DUMB ASS forgot to edit out of his video..

eg.. the PHONE #, the managers NAME, and the GOD DAMN STREET NAME!!!!!!!!!

Other then that, this dude is cool as a mothafucka.

Watch some of his vids

Theives are not cool. Either are idiots who give their personal info on youtube while commiting a crime. Im sorry, but stealing isnt a way to get famous.
If he was as hard as he portrays his self in his "Lowlife" book, he wouldnt advertise his crimes....
Hes nothing but a fat p.o.s. imo.
Theives are not cool. Either are idiots who give their personal info on youtube while commiting a crime. Im sorry, but stealing isnt a way to get famous.
If he was as hard as he portrays his self in his "Lowlife" book, he wouldnt advertise his crimes....
Hes nothing but a fat p.o.s. imo.

Thats some real shit.

Hold on.. did you read his book..? I was *thinking about getting it, only because i'm from cali.
Thats some real shit.

Hold on.. did you read his book..? I was *thinking about getting it, only because i'm from cali.
Oh ya.... I used to live in Cali too. I miss it :(.
But hell no, I wouldnt waste a dime to support his fat ass and his eating habit. Its a shame that he is smart enough to publish a book but not smart enough to direct it in positive ways.