How to send PM's ?

Hi ,i was wondering how does one send a pm or start a private conversation with someone on this forum.

I cannot find the pm or start conversation button .

Thank you sunni but i dont have the option to start a new conversation.i checked the thread already.

I already know this type of forum and usually i can start a conversation the way you said but there is nowhere a button to start a conversation
sorry i overlookedit, you need to become an established member no worries youll get it
An established member? As in you cant PM someone until you pay to be a member?

not pay, we don't have paid membership here.. established member just means you've been here for x amount of time and or have x amount of posts..

like sunni said, just keep on keeping on, and you'll have access to everything before you know it.. :D
I was wondering this as well. Thanks for the info.

Edit: Oops. Sorry for resurrecting a dead thread again. Twice in one day after years of silence isn't a great record.
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