how to set up a watering system


Well-Known Member
so i want to plant 10 plants of ice this spring and i found an awsome spot the problem is i need to figure out a waterin system cuz i cant go there every day, the most i can go is once a week


Well-Known Member
Solar panels, with a pump on timers? I've seen some neet little panels for camping, can power a tv, should handle a pump. 100 yards may be pushing it, though.


Well-Known Member
Have a rubber maid container to catch rain, and lug some water to fill it up. Have the bucket elevated so you can use the force of gravity. Get some Battery operated timers and valves from a local grow store. As well as some drippers, and hoses. When you would like to feed simply add everything to the rubbermaid container. Set time limit, hrs per day. Morning and night. Your set :D May cost a little money if, but its perfect for the days you can't make it to your spot.


i had this idea, but never really tried it. it was to build a reservoir in the fall, that would hold about 150-200 gallons of water. and i would fill it with snow during the late winter/early spring, and by the time it was warm enough to move my clones outdoors, the snow in the reservoir would have melted. im sure you could set up a pump and a timer to this also.


Well-Known Member
Not sure where you are, but here in California, the helicopters are thick as hell, looking for weed. I'm pretty sure that even my solar panel ideas would eventually be seen from the air, not to mention a new pond. Now if it is on your private property, that is a different story.......


Not sure where you are, but here in California, the helicopters are thick as hell, looking for weed. I'm pretty sure that even my solar panel ideas would eventually be seen from the air, not to mention a new pond. Now if it is on your private property, that is a different story.......
if you had dug a hole in the ground, lined it with tarp, put a piece of plywood over the top, and then covered that with some branches and shit. you think a helicopter is going to spot that instead of a solar panel? good luck lugging water to our plants.