how to sneak weed through an airport.. onto a plane and to my destination.?

well man all i did on my way back from the dam i jus got myself a half o and threw it in my bag and jus prayed lol!!!and every other time takin weed outta tha uk ive jus stuck it to my leg ;)
do not transport can u mail ahead overnight service cant check every thing and package it air tight cover smell like hot sc send if possible
put it in a balloon and swallow it! lol just like a coke but put it through the mail and vaccum seal it like 10 people said...I've done it twice and it worked. Each time it was a quarter, I vaccum sealed it, fake return adress, and I put it inside of some stupid toy with like a stash hole.
all of u that say to put the weed in a non see through plastic shampoo bottle clearly dont no what their on about because the x-rays would sport it in your luggage. Im about to try and bring some over to france to ssmoke with my cousin while im their cos they dont have the same stuff their like in london. what im gonna try n do its to vacume pack so their r no air particles their for no smell then dip the baggie in bleach to make sure theirs no smell then to literally stick all the way up my ass. has any1 got a better idea please let me no. as far AS I CONCERNED ITS THE ONLY WAY POSSIBLE
I like that idea its a real good work that seems like it would work and u cant get caught for it send it by post but vacum pack it nice 1
i might just do that
I don't know if this has already been said, but if you're an extreemly patient person, you could take some packs of cigs, take out the tabbaco and stuff small nugs in them (or just grind it up). A co-worker of mine suggested this to me a while ago and said one her friends did this with great success. :weed:
until they open up your pack of cigarettes and go ughhh... thats not weed...?

ya ive tried doing that at concerts, i would imagine airport security would be a tad bit smarter.. maybe not in france though
I have a friend who SWEARS that he brought an 1/4th oz. on a plane in his carry-on. He broke the buds into little popcorn-sized bits, and mixed it in with a package of Cracker-Jacks, or Fiddle-Faddle. You know, caramel popcorn with peanuts. Apparently, it looks the same on an X-ray. When he arrived @ his destination, he dumped the snack food out on a table and picked out the 'good parts'.

The only drawback would be if the security didn't allow outside snack food on the plane. Ever had to toss your favorite, expensive cologne or perfume in the trash right there at the terminal? Well, it would be a sorrowful moment, pretending that it's only popcorn going in the wastebasket!
I always just stash it in my luggage ((that I book in)) in a small airtight container and wrap it in my underwear.that way no one is searching those bags and I can relax when I go through the airport security...that is for interstate air travel NOT international air travel :blsmoke:
tried and true method for me, like allot of people said is to mail it. If anyone cares here's how I've done it, one with a qp ( fucking sweeating balls till it arrived) and two smaller bags alittle over a 1/2 o. first vaccum seal bag, but not to tight like brick weed, no fun to break it all apart later. put vac. bag in a airtight container, like the little plastict ones they sell at your local smoke shop, then fill the rest of the container with paper, buble wrap, cookies, whatever to keep you shit safe in the move. After that use masking tape along the seal of the container (for extra procotion and airtight hold). Now rub down the whole container with rubbing alcohaol to kill any leftover smell and residues... If the containers clear I will tape a newspaper or comics around the container, makes me feel safer for some dumb reason that no one can look it. now go down to fed ex/ ups and next day that bitch. yes next day it. coast me 80 bucks to next day care package from hollywood to oregon, but worth every penny win it arrived. fake return address , and presto. I flew back home and beat the mail to my house, but I did pace the pad for hours till it arrived by 11 am the next day. O
A. Dont use the federal post office, big no no
B. Dont ground ship it, to many variable can fuck that up
C. Airtight, in airtight, and maybe one more airtight, smell permiates through most substinces if left to sit for to long, so dubble it, if not tripple it with airtight methods of choice.
D. or just save the time, money, and hassle it would take to ship an 80-100 quarter, by means of an 80 dollar mail charge. 80+80=160 dollar quarter, worth it?
just my two cents, dont buy you much but save them up and there worth something.
I was wondering.. did anyone know a good way to snuggle a quarter of weed through the airport...and then succesfully getting to my destination without being caught.... please give me ideas cuz im goin to my cuz house next month and i need to find a way to get it through the airport so i can smoke this Miami shit with my cousin. thankz... PS. he lives in South Carolina... so yeah... please help :blsmoke: :mrgreen:

have you seen that show locked up abroad, theres your answer :D

EDIT: shit never mind, you going to another state :D
one word - sniffer dogs
even if you got nothing on you they can still smell if you've been in contact with weed

Not true!

They're not trained to smell out the smoked product or if you've been in contact with a bit of weed. You'd have to have been covered in it or rubbed it all over your body.

I have on several occassions I've smoked joints right before entering an airport and had also been handling it before hand and walked right by the sniffer dogs without them paying me any attention. I've done it in Sydney, Seoul, Tokyo, Bangkok, Hanoi and Ho Chi Min City, Siem Reap and a few places in Europe.

They're trained to smell out the product, not the user.
Buy a candle maker. bag ur stuff up and make candles around the bags
dogs cant sniff threw the wax and plus it looks like candles.
wear tighty wighties put it in a bag and tape it to your pubes spot, cant search ur penis
dATS a completly stupid coment with no care for the person who asked the question for all u care he could get caught and youd probably laugh. dats a stupid idea. i doesnt matter if thet cant see the weed they have sniffer dogs that can smell it.
easy to bring on a plane if flying domestic, never try international.

The method which has worked 10/10 times is:

small thin baggies sewn into a mesh bathing suite worn under neath some baggy pants. even if you get patted, you'll be fine.

Have you ever had a 'sniffer dog' sniff you before getting on a plane? I have never come close to a dog before and been on hundreds of flights.
until they open up your pack of cigarettes and go ughhh... thats not weed...?

ya ive tried doing that at concerts, i would imagine airport security would be a tad bit smarter.. maybe not in france though

that would totally work fill the bototm with weed and the a bit of top with tobacco>