How to speed up the life cycle?


Active Member
Can plant height be controlled somewhat by the potter size? If the plant doesn't grow as big, will the life cycle still need to be as long?

Point in case, 5 gallon DWC setup vs. ~2 quart soil potters. The grow space can accommodate 2 or 3 5 gallon buckets, or it can hold 12 small soil potters. From the floor to the bottom of a 600 watt HPS is 44.5". I cannot fix the height restraint for a couple of months, but I need to start a cycle soon or risk running out.

Which setup would yield quickest while staying a safe distance from the light? Last grow I had to harvest early due to light burn and I was using a screen but the only plant I had went out of control (its buds filled five mason jars). I am not concerned about grams per square foot for this grow cycle, just speed.

Any advice on speeding up the life cycle would be great.

Brick Top

New Member
Sure, using a smaller pot/container will stunt a plant’s growth but it will be doing it by forcing it to survive in a root-bound condition.
If you want or need to keep plants low I would suggest you research some of the different training methods.


Root-bound is where the roots of your plant outgrow the container they are contained in.

The following symptoms may be observed if you allow your plants to become root-bound:

  1. Stunted Growth.
  2. Stretching.
  3. Smaller and slower bud production.
  4. Needs watering too often.
  5. Easy to burn with low % nutrient solution mixtures.
  6. Wilting.


Well-Known Member
You can control the vegging cycle, by how long you choose to veg it for - however, you cannot speed the flower cycle. When it begins to flower, it is going to take as long as it takes no matter what size the plant is.


Active Member
If I flower early will my plants stretch more? I should just drop some beans in rockwool and get it started, see where it will take me. With one complete bubble bucket on hand I should use it. This will be my first hydro grow. Bubble buckets sounded pretty easy. Still researching the best way to go hydro with a seed. Could use some solid advice for starting the seeds.

I made a screen last grow to keep the plants down away from the light. It worked well till the very end. The plants still ended up getting light burn. When I can redo my ventilation I should be able to raise the light a few more inches.

Thanks for the replies.