How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

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Well-Known Member
Thanks wicked ur the nicest witch ive ever been acquainted with.... LOl and thanks for the magnifying glass idea as cam does have this mode but half the time i cant figure it out! Just like growing im lazy and Always looking for the easiest stuff to incorporate into my system..


Well-Known Member
Well, obviously the better the camera the better the pics will be. But if you want to know how people get those crazy close up shots of the trichs, it's simple, get a magnifying glass. Most people just take pics looking through the magnifier and viola!

Thanks Wiki! Why didn't I ever think of this. The simple things in life;-) I'll be sure to try it and just be looking out for me.


Well-Known Member
Ok i cant figure out my cam or figure out how to take upclose pix with a mag glass.This sucks! Im getting close to harvest and would really like to get some up close pixels...Anyone got an olympus digital cam? Tell me how to do it?


Well-Known Member
Ok i cant figure out my cam or figure out how to take upclose pix with a mag glass.This sucks! Im getting close to harvest and would really like to get some up close pixels...Anyone got an olympus digital cam? Tell me how to do it?
You're not just using some random magnifying glass are you? How many times does it magnify? You know, like 50x or 100x....


Well-Known Member
2X i guess BWAHAHA this sux i know but its all i could find at wally world... Where can i get a good one?
Yeah, um, that's your problem. You need to go get a 50x or a 100x. I dunno where you could get one, but they're around. Hell, I've seen them in craft stores, head shops, hydro shops, and other random places. You could definitely find it online if you looked


Well-Known Member
I got a head shop right around the corner lol ill try there first.. just sux i got this cam fully capable of taking nice pix im just to dumb to figure it out! Oh well once again thanks for the help wicked...


Well-Known Member
I got a head shop right around the corner lol ill try there first.. just sux i got this cam fully capable of taking nice pix im just to dumb to figure it out! Oh well once again thanks for the help wicked...
hahaha sorry just blazed again.... But is there a way to change the actual name of a thread u created?:fire:


Well-Known Member
LOL ok hmm well...Wish i could ask them here lol I mean do they answer pms
Sorry, you're gonna have to go through the extra effort of composing a PM and sending it to one of them :roll::lol:

Don't strain yourself :razz:


And YES, they most definitely answer their PMs. They're very on top of it :wink:
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