How to tell if shrooms are Magic.


Well-Known Member
I am planning on picking some magic mushrooms sometime this spring. So i look to you guys RIU to help me. I have no idea how to tell if they're magic because ive never picked or tried shrooms before.:confused:
you can try a and post up some picks and get them to identify it. they are real helpful over there for everything shrooms
get "the field guide to mushrooms" and "the mushroom cultivator" i own both and they are both great, pluss you should check out shroomery, i'm a long time member and i love it there...

you should be growing your own anyway, picking them wild is a waste of time "shoot and miss" kinda shit unless your a pro
FaCultGen, is it even worth it to go and pick your own or not? I have never picked before and I was planning on going out once it warms up.
is it worth it?... maybe... if you know where there are some and you just want to trip...but for any kind of stock piling no it's really not worth it unless yo find a fucking feild of them... and growing your own is easy and pretty cheep if you look at it in the long term... for example i just bought some shrooms...bunk...theres a good chunk of money down the fucking drain... you would never even question your own lol