How to tell when its time for harvest!!!!


New Member
Guys I need help knowing when I should harvest. My plant's are 9 weeks old today. They are Indica's. They look ready but I don't know what the ratio is between pistils that have turned brown and pistils that are still white and alive? Is it ok to have any pistils still alive when you harvest? I looked under the scope and there are a good amount of amber trikes. It's about 50 percent amber. It's just that not all of the pistils look ready. So basically my question is is it ok to harvest now before all the hairs have turned brownish red?


Well-Known Member
If you are going on the trichs, when they turn a milky white to an amber color, its time to harvest. Some people say when 75% of them turn amber, thats a good time. But id have to say its more personal preference.

Heres one thing to keep in mind. Too early or too late you wont get the peak amount of THC. When they are a milky color, you will get more of a cerebral, soaring kind of high.
When they are more amber, its like a couch stone. you are just kind of stuck, bodyish high.

go off what your personal preference is, or read up on it a little more


New Member
what do you think about one more day with out any lights? Is it really worth it to do that. Or should i just start cutting now. cuz i will.


New Member
And oh yeah thanks for all the help guys!!!!!! I would have never been able to have done it without rollitup and the great people on this site. This is my very first grow and I am very proud. I owe a lot of credit to rollitup though because without them I would not have had a clue! So I will be smoking a fatty for all of you.


New Member
what strain?
I dont know the stain. I bought the nirvana indoor mix and they just mix all the seeds so you dont know what you get. The strains that came in the pack of seeds are Master Kush, Afghan, Pure Power Plant and Skunk #1, and Nirvana Special. So if any one can figure out which one I grew that would be great. I started whith four plants and ended with 2. I'm guessing they are master kush.


New Member
lol I'm heading into the room to chop them down now!!!!!! Thats all I needed to hear! I will post some pics once there all trimmed up!