How to tell when its time for harvest!!!!


New Member
Ok now Im confused. What do I do with the little leaves covered in crystals? Do I leave them on the bud or just clip them and save them sepereatley? I started trimming and feel bad cutting away all those crystals. But i'm not sure if you want to be leaving the leaves on even if they are covered in crystally goodness.


Well-Known Member
Ok now Im confused. What do I do with the little leaves covered in crystals? Do I leave them on the bud or just clip them and save them sepereatley? I started trimming and feel bad cutting away all those crystals. But i'm not sure if you want to be leaving the leaves on even if they are covered in crystally goodness.

clip off all the big fan leaves. get down in there and cut them off all the way at the stem. be careful. once you have removed all the leaves with NO crystals toss the leaves. i compost mine. now trim the crystally leaves off flush with the bud. i like to get down in there and get all the loose leaf. save these trimmings. you can dry and use them for numerous things. that comes later...... for now just save them.:mrgreen:


New Member
I used Fdd to determine my harvest time! lol I think its all personal preferance when to harvest. All depends what kind of high you enjoy!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Yes, place it where it belongs, and hit it very hard with a 28 ounce hammer......

WOW.. SWEET BUDS.. Especially for your first grow. Those are beautiful.



New Member
Yes, place it where it belongs, and hit it very hard with a 28 ounce hammer......

WOW.. SWEET BUDS.. Especially for your first grow. Those are beautiful.

Thank you! I think I had success do to the fact that I have grown a garden every year with my mother since I was young. So I kind of have a green thumb. Also a lot of credit goes to the info you find right here on rollitup. I'm gonna post some pics a little later of what they look like all trimmed up, but my computer is acting like an asshole so It's taking a minute.


New Member
Dont tell fdd but I started with like 10 cfl's and then switched to a 400 watt hps.

Hey guess what I just reached my 200 post. I wonder what I am gonna turn into now.