How to tie plants so they dont bend...


Hey, this is my first time growing, theyre doing pretty well except for a few things:

1.) they are starting to bend, one more than the other...should I attach a string around it and tack it to the wall?
2.) the leaves in the mid afternoon will start to turn vertically, maybe they are trying to get more light?
3.) Im having a hard time knowing when to water them...and how ofter to give them fox farm food.

I also have some white flies but put traps all around the buckets...

Im growing afghani kush.

any advice on these topics would be extremely helpful.



Active Member
u can use some cotton twine or plastic tape and tie side brachees to main stem for right now how many plants and wat type of light? water when the top of the soil feels dry like crusty dry then water or u can water and feel how heavy the pot is and when it feels light again water.... food once a week and start at 1/4 strength and add slowly


I just have two plants its under a 2bulb t12 light...just like a normal shop light.

thanks for your help man.


Well-Known Member
i use bamboo to tie my plants with. 1nce u get a harvest u can use the stem. cut it and use it on another plant.