How to train monsters


Well-Known Member
Well 1st things 1st tbh. Between nitrogen toxicity and what looks to be over watering you have other things to be concerned about before training that.

But to answer your question LST (low stress training).

The art of evening the canopy and producing more bud sites. Give it a google


Active Member
Well 1st things 1st tbh. Between nitrogen toxicity and what looks to be over watering you have other things to be concerned about before training that.

But to answer your question LST (low stress training).

The art of evening the canopy and producing more bud sites. Give it a google
What makes you say nitrogen toxicity may i ask???? All 4 plants look exactly the same
Uniform in colour
I dont thing its over watered get a liter every 3 days or so when dry(finger test)
Only my second grow


Well-Known Member
What makes you say nitrogen toxicity may i ask???? All 4 plants look exactly the same
Uniform in colour
I dont thing its over watered get a liter every 3 days or so when dry(finger test)
Only my second grow
That dark green waxy look to the leaves is a classic sign of N tox.

For the watering over watering is a frequency issue not a 1 time amount issue. They certainly look overwatered to me. Underwatered can do the same thing however it will begin to lift once watered.

Does your plant turn its leaves up and perky towards the light after watering? Or does it always stay droopy?


Active Member
Pics arnt great with my phone ill try get some better ones 2morra
Usually not as droopy as the pics its very cold here at the moment and battaling with cold temps over nite better when lights r on but only 20c.

So if i only water when dry with finger test and feeding to the schedule whatbcan i do leave em 4 days without water to dry out then plain water???


Well-Known Member
Pics arnt great with my phone ill try get some better ones 2morra
Usually not as droopy as the pics its very cold here at the moment and battaling with cold temps over nite better when lights r on but only 20c.

So if i only water when dry with finger test and feeding to the schedule whatbcan i do leave em 4 days without water to dry out then plain water???
Lower temps means they will dry out slower. So your 3 days might be too often.

What are you feeding them?


Well-Known Member
Monkey nutriants full line as per the schedule
How many of these products are you using?

Unfortunately these companies create these schedules at way way way too high of a dose. They want to sell more of it. It's horrible tactics however damn near all bottled nutes pull this shit.

General consensus is begin with 25% of the reccomended values and slowly increase as you move forward.


Well-Known Member
Pics arnt great with my phone ill try get some better ones 2morra
Usually not as droopy as the pics its very cold here at the moment and battaling with cold temps over nite better when lights r on but only 20c.

So if i only water when dry with finger test and feeding to the schedule whatbcan i do leave em 4 days without water to dry out then plain water???
When dry, lift the plants...water/feed then lift will definitely notice the difference.
This is one method.