How to transplant and grow?

Hey all... I found a seed in a bag. It wasn't anything special, but I figured that since it was free, I'd at least try to grow. So I wasn't thinking and just put it into a window planter beside a male that was growing. It has just begun to surface (less than 1cm). I'm planning on harvesting the male for making cannabutter, so I figure I will just transplant the new seeding to a better pot (and better soil) at the same time.

I'm going to go to Home Depot later today and get some soil. What should I look for? How big of a pot should I get? Can I just use a 5 gallon bucket? Do I need any fertilizer? Most importantly, how do I properly transplant the seed? The soil it is in is just regular topsoil for gardening, so I'm worried about putting the plant into "shock."

Also, I don't have a budget for indoor lights right now, so I'm just going to have to live with growing it using the sun. What all can I do to improve my yield? Can I bring it in at a later date when it gets cold and I have more $ for lights?

Thanks :)


Active Member
i did the same on my first grow. i also messed up transplanting, i guess the key to transplanting is kinda squeazing the pot ( if its plastic) then it comes out pretty easy. once i just cut the pot with a knife to transplant because i was so scared of ripping the roots. as for soil alot of the soil/fertalizer in home depot would work, just shop around and do some reaserch. as for improving yeild, i found that putting plants in the ground is the way to grow, they can become monsters and give a huge yeild, and if you start them outside i would be carefull moving them inside because of shock. hope i helped.