How to transplant My Plant???


It was planted outside as a baby and is now getting bigger and bigger, And My mom told me to move them But I really don't know how... I'm taking care of them for my boyfriend while he's away and I really need help.... Please Help Me One is 2 Foot tall and The other one is a little bit smaller!:neutral: There like 4-5 Weeks old I think...setg.PNGsetg.PNGsetg.PNG


Active Member
Its not gonna be easy but you want to dig up as much of the plants root ball as possible...after that's its pretty simple getting it in a new hole...then you just water the shit out of it and you're good...what don't you understand about it specifically? Not trying to be a dick I just wanna help :)


Active Member
Impossible to do you can only control how much shock they go through...if you are really worried, Superthrive (found at Home Depot $10) is a gem worth having if you grow anything....not necessary tho mj is a strong plant


You want the big clump of soil around the roots to stay as intact as possible. It won't be easy with the size of those plants and it's probably going to get stressed anyway, but it can be done. I would have some mild potting soil and a pot ready to go before trying.


But I am putting it back in the ground somewhere else... and does it matter that I live in FL and it is hot?


Active Member
Well let me ask it ABSOLUTELY necessary to move them? They seem happy where they are and the heat will stress the newly transplanted girls...its recommended to transplant on a gloomy day

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
If plants are already in the ground, the roots are likely to extend at least to the drip line. That is, to say, imagine a vertical 90 degree line from the widest portion or edge of the plant(s) straight down to the soil all the way around the diameter. This is considered the drip line of any plant, cannabis or other. Try to dig straight down at least 1"-2" away from the drip line to help preserve fragile, feeder roots. Be gentle when using the shovel and try to lift the entire root mass with the shovel. Never pull the plant by the stem as this can easily damage the root system and lead to undue transplant shock. Have your new hole already prepared before planting and place the plant at either a similar planting depth or, even a slightly lower than the original depth. Mound the soil around the root mass and break apart any large clods of soil. Water thoroughly. This will help the plant to recover from transplant shock and help settle any air pockets that may occur as a result of large soil particles. As others have said, cannabis is a very tough plant and can withstand a very wide variety of conditions, soil types and multiple transplantations. Good luck!


These are the three plants that my gf. was going to transplant, im glad she didn't because they do seem to like where they are.... the first one i bent over so it would have more tops, the second one i just topped, and the third one im not going to do anything to.....i am not a professional im just gorwing to get better and learn as much as i can...any suggestions? !$!$.PNGmy baby$$$.PNG567.PNG$$!!.PNG



Active Member
I'm glad your girl didn't transplant... I was wondering if it was a good idea from the get go and tried to ask if there was a Really good reason to move em...anyway they look good suggestions except to rake care of the basics and keep em got yourself a lil experimental setup too by topping one, LST the other, and leaving the last can see for yourself the benefits of training and find which one you prefer...keep us updated


I'm glad your girl didn't transplant... I was wondering if it was a good idea from the get go and tried to ask if there was a Really good reason to move em...anyway they look good suggestions except to rake care of the basics and keep em got yourself a lil experimental setup too by topping one, LST the other, and leaving the last can see for yourself the benefits of training and find which one you prefer...keep us updated
Thanks for the comment! I will keep updating, and if i have any problems someone on here can help me out....OH! and by the way, i have been wanting to grow some good genetics and all i can get my hands on is these bagseeds that im growing now, do u know anyone that would send me at least ONE good seed man....i really want to grow something good i just don't have the money to order them! If not its good, Thanks! (: