How to treat new clones to keep grow clean.

norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
So I sourced some cuttings from south Sacramento care center, sour diesel, and I want to make sure they are clean. I don't know what to use that's organic. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome. I'm thinking a soul drench and a spray.


Well-Known Member
So I sourced some cuttings from south Sacramento care center, sour diesel, and I want to make sure they are clean. I don't know what to use that's organic. Any thoughts or ideas are welcome. I'm thinking a soul drench and a spray.
if you are concerned, a quarantine may not be a bad idea, if not a spray like nullis recommended couldn't hurt, if you have some good quality (irreplaceable) genetics i'd quarantine to be safe


Well-Known Member
Could sterilize things, use clean Ro, and use insect frass .. also when you foliar with a basic bsm-fed VC tea, the beneficial bacteria and fungi outcompete nasty pathogens on the surfaces of the leaves and stems. And I'm practically a minimalist, i prefer the soil's web to be in charge whenever possible. Sour D, very nice! Should be super smooth, feel free to show and tell, pop by sometime.