how to use fox farms ocean forest. i will give rep!


Well-Known Member
ChaChing, Beastie Blooms and the other one aren't neccessary. They're just bloom boosters. I've always been able to maintain lush growth with just Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom as needed. And dank nugs to boot.


Active Member
My first grow I had my seedlings in MG and they started to burn real bad. To the point I thought that they couldn't be saved. I pulled them out of the MG and put them into FFOF and within a day they picked up like nothing happened. They been fine since. I use only FFOF but I just bought some Light Warrior to mix with it for some clones I'm getting ready to do.

mango tango

Well-Known Member
tried maricle grow and it was way too acidic! i have mine in ocean forest/ perilite mix ..dont use nurtrients for at least 2 weeks cause it comes with a crap ton! test the ph in the bottom of your pot after you water it to see what it is after going through the soil. i use 220ppm water and general hydro nutes in my soil and my plant is doing great