How to use Trim for concentrate (do I dry and cure it?) etc..


Active Member
Hello friends ,

Quick question if you don't mind. I am harvesting right now and want to use the trim to make concentrate. Can anyone provide a step by step procedure on using butane and what I need to do it (Like where do I find a tube small enough and what material should I use) Do I dry it out before shooting it with butane ? Do I cure it? Everything step by step if you could!? I really do not want to waste /

Thanks so much in advance!


Well-Known Member
Ive done tons of trim runs with butane and honestly imo its just more efficient to do a dry sift and make hash or rosin.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
To make wax with butane you need to go to your local smoke shop and by a small tube I've always used glass, then you just grind up your dry trimmings stuff it in the tube and run the butane through it you put a coffee filter at the bottom secured to the tube with a zip tie or hose clamp and blow it out into a pyrex oven dish that is sitting on warm water, it is easier to use a hot plate to keep the water warm but you can keep changing the water if you have to, let it sit for an hr and the wax will purify and then you just scrape it up and put it in a container, some people like to whip it as soon as it solidifies to purify it I like to just let it sit for an hr it's the difference between wax and shatter. Just so you know it will have a small amount of butane in the wax unless you vacuum purge it, theres videos on YouTube that will show you the process start to finish.


Well-Known Member
Turkey baster + screen + butane + pyrex
Chop it all up, stuff in Turkeybaster, put screen over fat end. Shoot butane threw the tip while holding it over the pyrex. Let evaporate. Scrape n smoke. Be careful not to blow yourself up. bongsmilie


Active Member
Turkey baster + screen + butane + pyrex
Chop it all up, stuff in Turkeybaster, put screen over fat end. Shoot butane threw the tip while holding it over the pyrex. Let evaporate. Scrape n smoke. Be careful not to blow yourself up. bongsmilie
Could one blow themselves up doing just a tiny amount, small butane can? I figured people get hurt when they are doing a bunch and the fumes are in the air?


Well-Known Member
Could one blow themselves up doing just a tiny amount, small butane can? I figured people get hurt when they are doing a bunch and the fumes are in the air?
Just make sure you do it by an open window and have a fan on in the room, and wear gloves... I forgot to add you will also need a small pair of pliers to bend the tip when you put it in the Turkey baster. I used to do this method when I was still troubled youth in my mums basement..


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you do it by an open window and have a fan on in the room, and wear gloves... I forgot to add you will also need a small pair of pliers to bend the tip when you put it in the Turkey baster. I used to do this method when I was still troubled youth in my mums basement..
Dude, dont recommend blasting butane inside ever. People have died doing stupid shit like this. Just because you got away with it in a basement doesnt mean anything, other than you were lucky.Also, is your turkey baster plastic?