how to win at roulette 70% of the time

Your right but the cat's from MIT(Which I never said were the first) ...Identified every wheel is independent and does not change not to mention no human is going to put it @ it's center directly by hand..It will be off by fraction's of decimal's...The computer helped to simulate the sequence

Heres a link explaining what you are referring about. It is far more sophisticated then what I initially thought you were talking about but both hold true. I remember watching the "breaking vegas" episode about this too. Its all coming back to me
Ya but is that the same group that was actually banned from vegas?? I watched a show awhile back either on Nat geo or Hist that said they made loads more then that......enough @ several casino's to arouse suspicion?....I don't kno if 10k would be enough to do that?.....Maybe if it you won 10k a bet??
A MIT group of kids were banned for skills at black jack and there was a movie made about that. Maybe you're getting the two different stories mixed?
Ok so just a thought here but roulette tables go to 1-18 19-36 first of all so lets do some simple math
Most casinos have two greens a 0 and a 00 unless you live in Europe I think

In any case lets just say Im right and its 1-18 and your betting on the 3rd 12 that gives you 30 outta 38 spots including the 0 and 00 this gives you approx. 79% chance to win

Since you are losing one of the bets you are only gaining 5$ a spin at 79% the casino has the other 21% but they will win 25$ so lets say we spin 100 times

Casino = $525
You = $395 advantage casino
sorry to burst your bubble
ha. I love it when someone goes on about something and are absolutely positive its true.
" o im sorry to burst your bubble"" ha lmfoa

i actually works the op's claims, iv tryed it and the 1st post he had did the same,,,well done mainy
ha. I love it when someone goes on about something and are absolutely positive its true.
" o im sorry to burst your bubble"" ha lmfoa

i actually works the op's claims, iv tryed it and the 1st post he had did the same,,,well done mainy

Seriously? so what did I say that was wrong? Numbers don't lie. If you used this method and won then you are lucky and this will be short term. Play like this forever and I guarantee you will lose. Numbers don't lie in gambling. That's why casinos are ahead in the battle. Please tell me where I went wrong besides that you tried it once and it worked. Believing you are right is honestly the only laughable thing here. Good luck with your money you'll need it to win.
Also Im not saying the Op is wrong, in fact I gave it a better percentage. Closer to 80% of the time you will win. The fact that you still lose in the end is what I'm trying to get across to anybody that cares. The method is useless. I can tell you a way to win 95% of the time but you will lose money in the end so is this considered winning to you as well? If so stop by and gamble with me anytime. I'd be happy to cover the house.​
But the odds are in my favour , iv got 30 numbers to win on,,and the casino has 7 , has that not beating the casino, that old saying" the casino never loses "
is bullshit to a certain level
if i walk into the casino with $100 and walk out with $200
??who wins??
the casino is up in money all the time ,that does mean " the casino never loses" but it does lose from some people and it wins from others,,,,
mate im not here to bullshit or argue but iv come across a gazillion number crunchers like you and you are correct but only on paper,, out on paper how much your incomings are and your outgoings are .
and i guarantee when you put in practice it never works? And you should know that for a fact,,,,,but as you say" numbers never lie""

have you tryed the op's technique??
good gambler knows when to walk away, if you were doing it for real id walk away now..happy betting..try this ist ilegal but its good to watch for fun its called progresive betting,,basically you cant lose,,,,,,,
1 dollar on red( or any 1/1 outside bet
if it doesn't come in you've got to double up,,2 dollar on red , if you lose again youv got to double up to 4 dollar, and so on,, until it comes in , you cant lose impossable ,,, try it

If you play long enough, you will lose, that is a fact.

You will either run out of money, or will hit the table limits and not be able to double anymore.

The system you are playing is called the Martingale, it was once thought to be fool proof, then people realised the gamblers fallacy was skewering their judgement.

Is it impossible to get 10 reds in a row? No, its just unlikely, but it is surprisingly more possible than you think.

You lose 10 times in a row, your next bet is over £1000, which even if you win, you are gambling £1000 to win back just £1!

If the ball lands in red 5 times in a row, is it more likely to land in black on the next spin? No, its got exactly the same odds as the last time it spun. Past ball landings have no bearing on future numbers and that is where the problem comes in as you are certain you won't lose that many times in a row.
The only way you can win money is by timing your exit when you are up and having some luck to get you up in the first place. Other than that, you play long enough, you will lose as you have negative odds.

Playing your system you should win 30/37 spins on a European wheel. About 81%. But you only win $5, losing $25 the other 19% of the time.

So for 100 spins, you should win 81*5 (405) and lose 19*25 (475)

So the longer you play, including repeat visits, the more you have to lose as the odds are against you.

However, luck will play a part and if after 100 spins you have won more than £405, you are having a temporary bit of luck and are TEMPORARILY beating the odds, but rest assured, they will even themselves out and sometimes even go the other way so you lose more than you should.

Its all just maths and its all factually correct. Don't let a gamblers fallacy rule your head or your wallet.
I understand ,

You will either run out of money, or will hit the table limits and not be able to double anymore.

these arnt facts , perpetual betting is a win win,
you don't have to runn out of money
and the limit on the wheel stops you doubling up, but before there was no limit , you cant lose on it , iv tested it and iv just tested the ops bet right now and i spun 20 and lost 3?
Luck must be on my side then with what you say,
iv used the ops method many years , and i guarantee iv won more than iv lost. , i do it just for fun these days , you said ....Playing your system you should win 30/37 spins on a European wheel. About 81%. But you only win $5, losing $25 the other 19% of the time. only win £5 but you your £25 back that's the beauty of this bet,look into it a bit further and try it!!
I understand ,

You will either run out of money, or will hit the table limits and not be able to double anymore.

these arnt facts , perpetual betting is a win win,
you don't have to runn out of money
and the limit on the wheel stops you doubling up, but before there was no limit , you cant lose on it , iv tested it and iv just tested the ops bet right now and i spun 20 and lost 3?

Unless you have an unlimited pot of money, eventually you will run out, when you have to double your bet, shit gets scary really quickly if luck is not on your side! Not many of us have an unlimited pot of money, after 10 losses you are down nearly £2000 from a bet that started as £1. Are you really going to be £2000 on the next bet to win it back? Would you have that money spare? What happens of you lose again, could you then afford a £4000 bet and to potentially lose again?

Saying it will never happen is just foolish, the odds of someone winning the UK lottery is 14 million to one, yet someone will win most weeks. If you play long enough, statistically, you will lose.

Just to compound your problem, its very rare, maybe even impossible to find a casino that does not have table limits, so they would restrict you long before you ran out of money.

Martingale system has been around long before any of us were born, its well known and if it worked, all of the rich people out there would be milking it and turning their millions into more millions.

If you have only spun 23 times, you have not tested the system, you have simply tried it. Spin 23,000 times and then tell me the result.
Luck must be on my side then with what you say,
iv used the ops method many years , and i guarantee iv won more than iv lost. , i do it just for fun these days , you said ....Playing your system you should win 30/37 spins on a European wheel. About 81%. But you only win $5, losing $25 the other 19% of the time. only win £5 but you your £25 back that's the beauty of this bet,look into it a bit further and try it!!

Believe me, I've tried it, this and many, many others. I remember when I discovered the martingale system (double your bets) I thought it was fool proof.

I enjoying gambling, so I still play and generally I'll be up, I'd like to think I'm up overall, but only a fool thinks their system is guaranteed, its not and never will be.

The key is getting out when your luck is in and you have that temporary edge. Cutting losses (not chasing them to win them back) is an equally important skill.
Maybe a simpler analogy would be something I will sometimes do, bet on two of the three rows. You have a 2/3 chance of winning. Overall, play long enough and you will of course lose as your odds are less than 2/3 because of the 0.

But, if after 30 spins you have won 22 times, you are up and can leave with profit. You also win more than you lose because of the fact 2 out of 3 spins you win on.

Eventually though, play it long enough and the statistics will catch you. It will happen.
Unless you have an unlimited pot of money, eventually you will run out, when you have to double your bet, shit gets scary really quickly if luck is not on your side! Not many of us have an unlimited pot of money, after 10 losses you are down nearly £2000 from a bet that started as £1. Are you really going to be £2000 on the next bet to win it back? Would you have that money spare? What happens of you lose again, could you then afford a £4000 bet and to potentially lose again?

Saying it will never happen is just foolish, the odds of someone winning the UK lottery is 14 million to one, yet someone will win most weeks. If you play long enough, statistically, you will lose.

Just to compound your problem, its very rare, maybe even impossible to find a casino that does not have table limits, so they would restrict you long before you ran out of money.

Martingale system has been around long before any of us were born, its well known and if it worked, all of the rich people out there would be milking it and turning their millions into more millions.

If you have only spun 23 times, you have not tested the system, you have simply tried it. Spin 23,000 times and then tell me the result.
i think you misunderstand the martingale system, you cant lose, that's why its illegal!! Try it
Unless you have an unlimited pot of money, eventually you will run out, when you have to double your bet, shit gets scary really quickly if luck is not on your side! Not many of us have an unlimited pot of money, after 10 losses you are down nearly £2000 from a bet that started as £1. Are you really going to be £2000 on the next bet to win it back? Would you have that money spare? What happens of you lose again, could you then afford a £4000 bet and to potentially lose again?

Saying it will never happen is just foolish, the odds of someone winning the UK lottery is 14 million to one, yet someone will win most weeks. If you play long enough, statistically, you will lose.

Just to compound your problem, its very rare, maybe even impossible to find a casino that does not have table limits, so they would restrict you long before you ran out of money.

Martingale system has been around long before any of us were born, its well known and if it worked, all of the rich people out there would be milking it and turning their millions into more millions.

If you have only spun 23 times, you have not tested the system, you have simply tried it. Spin 23,000 times and then tell me the result.
i have spun it more than 23.000 times

i used to have an atuomatic roulette spinner, so you could see the outcome of 10.000 bets instantly , you cant lose on the martingale
The only way to not lose is to have infinite money and a no limit table, neither of which will be possible.

That's not me just saying, its statistics, if you play enough hands, you will eventually have a losing streak so big you will lose all your money. It might take a while, but it might not, but play long enough and its guaranteed to happen.
Read this:

This guys has done the maths, based on millions of spins. If you take the time to read it, it will educate you enough to realise what you have is not a sure thing.

Also, martingale is not illegal in Vegas, they just laugh at you if you try it. Unless the law has changed since I went there a few years ago, which I doubt as it just encourages people to have false hope.