How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!


Well-Known Member
Flushing is essential to flavor. Compair side by side taste for taste and you'll find your answer. First flush should be Quater strenght nutes then plain non chlorinated water.


Well-Known Member
cant wait to see what you get outa this... looks tasty... i just got a ww clone hoping to mimic thungercats ww sog keep track with me at my journal should be interesting.


Active Member
Flushing is essential to flavor. Compair side by side taste for taste and you'll find your answer. First flush should be Quater strenght nutes then plain non chlorinated water.

Well i read that drying your bud correctly and curing it correclty will bring out the flavors without flushing! I mean there are a lot of opinions out there. The reason I say this is because, why flush, do you really want your plant to go deficient at its best time of growth. I honestly don't. I want green healthy leaf threw whole grow. I may be wrong and I will flush anyway. Like I said, I don't know all the answers to growing, so still learning here, and trying to find great advice from advanced Growers. HMMMMM


Well-Known Member
i got a batch coming up in 2 weeks and i will try not flushing 1 and giving nutes all the way till the end and keep flushing the others my regular way and ill let ya know after a few days of drying and curing if its worth the flush or not


Active Member
i got a batch coming up in 2 weeks and i will try not flushing 1 and giving nutes all the way till the end and keep flushing the others my regular way and ill let ya know after a few days of drying and curing if its worth the flush or not
I honestly think that the reason people flush is because it will allow them to smoke their buds faster than waiting 2 months for curing. I think if your not in a rush and can cure for 2 months or longer their is no need to flush your plant because by then aweful taste would be gone, I may be wrong


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong here but ive never not flushed, and my logic goes a little sumthing like this.

Plants store loads of useful shit in their leaves, and normally when there is a deficiency in ur growing medium, the plant tries to find sources of what it needs from elsewhere, i.e. The leaves, and takes what it needs. Thats why when u hav a deficiency, u normally spot the first signs in the leaves, not the medium.

So by flushing out all nutes from ur medium in say the last week of "growth" (i say growth but what i really mean is maturing), then the plant gets a chance to use up all reserves in the leaves. The leaves are closer to the buds so elements can get to where theyre needed quicker, instead of suckin them up through long root systems.

I duno man, im completely thinking off the top of my head here, cud be completely wrong but thats my outlook on flushing.

I did an extended flush on one plant last grow, and a much shorter flushing period on the other. They were different strains ect but there was a noticable taste difference. Much stronger taste in the long flush one. They were dried and cured pretty equally. As i said though this could just be down to genetics.

I'm still learning what is and isnt neccessary in growing..


Well-Known Member
I gotta chime in on this as the meds my room mate is smoking right now come from a miracle grow garden and my meds come from an organic garden.

Their the same strain with the same grower producing both, the MG weed has a distinct chemical aftertaste, while the bud is tighter and there's more physical bud the taste is just aweful compared to organic weed (or i'm assuming fully flushed weed)

Based on personal experience, readings from botony articles and the cervantes bible, I would say a full flush is most definatly needed for a good basic taste, after that stage curing improves taste further but curing does very little to hide chemical fertilizer taste.


Well-Known Member
Very much so lilindian, there is one more step too! Once your plants take in the nutrient and store it in the leaves the flowers metabolize this nutrition into the hormones and chemical components to ripen the flowers. The more "fade" the better the flavors because the plant is consuming whole fans for all the stored necessary nutrient all ready for consumption. Otherwise the lady will focus on storing energy and converting nutrition, which by my count is not as efficient as only consuming "transporting" this nutrition. In practice, there is far more flavor from a longer fade. Many legendary breeder/growers will attest to this also. There is also the issue of heavy nutes in the plant material which will when smoked leave a heavy char that doesn't quite burn all the way where a long faded bud will burn to almost nothing for ash. I am really referring to fade more than the term flush, I am assuming by flush you mean not feeding. A lot of people use the terms "flush" and "leech" interchangeably which they aren't the same.
This is heavily debated around here, I don't care for giving advice too much. To each his own right?! I have tried these experiments and it amounts to wasting some otherwise excellent nugs for a "green finish". If your using only organics (pure organics) "poop" :D then you could conceivably reduce/eliminate with little to no nutrient influence but there is still an issue of fade=flavor. What I have found over the years is that if you give a proper fade the flavor is apparent immediately and doesn't require a long cure to bring it out. Another counter-intuitive point is that when chop comes drown her for at least a couple days before the chop. It will make for a slower dry but it won't require as long, if any, time curing to remove harshness.


Well-Known Member
colo . very well said. good post . i will drown one and flush most and not flush one at all, geeze and mark each one cuz im sure i will be blazed. ty for helpful post to everyone who takes their time to do so. also """"""its hard to understand big words crammed together when ur stoned and u got a cool ass slap-a-bitch avitar., holy shit cross that with ADD and it took me 5 minutes to read ur post, lol"""""""


Well-Known Member
Well i read that drying your bud correctly and curing it correclty will bring out the flavors without flushing! I mean there are a lot of opinions out there. The reason I say this is because, why flush, do you really want your plant to go deficient at its best time of growth. I honestly don't. I want green healthy leaf threw whole grow. I may be wrong and I will flush anyway. Like I said, I don't know all the answers to growing, so still learning here, and trying to find great advice from advanced Growers. HMMMMM
When drying just make sure you get all of the leaf off or that green hay taste will leech back into your buds. As far as flushing goes I guess it all depends on what and how much nutes your feeding with. In the case of veganics I don't really see a reason to, on the other hand if your using a set of chemical nutes and dealing with salt build then flushing is deff required. If you feel like maybe there is still some nutes in the buds and what not I would deff one wants a harsh kill your lungs type of smoke. You don't ever really hear produce farmers talk about flushing too often. That's why this summer I'm going super soil all the way.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for leading me to your thread dog! I'm trying to walk my healthy little Master Kush plants across their pots but just not getting the vertical growth I was hoping for. Maybe the good pinch will give me something to tie back. I may just open it up a bit anyway as I see you even pinned back fan leaves. I hope you don't mind my mimicking you but you know what they say. "Imitation is the highest form of flattery"
My plants dwell under cfl's but they seem healthy and I have bulbs to burn. Just not enough plant to warrant using them. Going to look like a "Lite Brite" when I'm done.
So what do you say dog??? If it can be pinned back or tied off do it??

As far as flushing goes. Very few peoples taste are discerning enough to tell a $10.00 bottle of wine from a $200.00. I know it's not quite the same but if you give someone a $10.00 bottle of wine and tell them it's top shelf then they are on board. I think the same goes for weed within reason. I don't believe my taste buds would know if a plant had been flushed or not. Keep in mind they water your lettuce in sewer water up until the day of harvest. (YAK) I do think there are a lot of bone heads who could tell subtle taste differences but they are pretty rare. Whatever other reasons that there are to flush for the average guy I'm just an old stoner who loves tasty weed but is looking for the stone. Any advice I'm all ears and thanks for letting me horn in dog.. Oh yeah.. Germinated one month ago. I don't always use the avise but it's great to have.

Pinched once no pinning or tying..

Pinned down a lot more than picture shows.


Active Member
Day 48 in flower- Day 117 from seed

Hey Guys. check this plant out! 250 w HPS lets see what you harvest me. I'm super excited.....Ready to start the flush the next watering. Yum. Almost done!@



Well-Known Member
Oh ya, chunking out nicely and laying on the frost! woot!
I bet your mouth is starting to water, I know mine is.... lol
I think I will toke some ww in your honor today!
Good work DD! Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Just browsed thru this whole thread nice grow man. Im just starting my 1st LST under my 400 so this was very helpful and now im here for the fun part lol