How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!


Active Member
Yeah I just made my first turn and now that im looking at it, I may just do half bucket because I'm topping every top to get a full even canopy toward the end of veg and I'm already looking at 12 shoots on my plant!


Active Member
try for 30 mate then it be a serious yeilder then put it into a bigger bucket before flower like 2 weeks before
Well right now I'm using a 4 gallon bucket, How big of a bucket you saying to transplant in? Shouldn't there be enough space for the whole grow?


Active Member
Well lets just say I do 24 Tops, once I top them all, they will double up making me 48 TOPS.

kevin murphy

New Member
18 litres isnt alot with the amount of veg lst your gunna be doin its gunna be like haveing 3-4 plants in one bucket id say minmum 25-30 litre how long have they been vegging for now...


Active Member
18 litres isnt alot with the amount of veg lst your gunna be doin its gunna be like haveing 3-4 plants in one bucket id say minmum 25-30 litre how long have they been vegging for now...
From seed to now is 42 Days...................But since the first month its a seedling its not really considered veg, so 12 days in veg as of today! It would be extremly complicated to transplant once this gets bigger.....


Active Member
then leave it mate...thought it was longer than that pal..
I think I would be good with this bucket/Experimenting anyway. I may go to a bigger bucket my next grow, depends on what I can harvest with this bucket. I may go root bound but it wont be so bad just because i used a smaller bucket my last grow and grew for 1 month shorter and roots really fit good in there! Just my thinking!

This was a 3gallon bucket last grow!
So i'm thinking it should more a less look the same in a 4 gallon bucket now that I'm going for a longer run!



Well-Known Member
Bigger bucker bigger buds.

The more tops you have, the longer veg it will take to have them be big fat tops.

The first month isn't seedling stage, plants grow at different rates, you can't just set an exact date on the seedling stage. And even if you could, a month is long for a seedling.

The veg period starts when rapid growth starts. Id say 2 weeks is normal, 3 weeks is really slow.

The seedling pops up, grows a few inches and starts development on its first serrated leaves, but then stops and doesn't appear to grow much for about a week to 10 days. Most of the growth is going on down in the root zone. Then the switch flips, once you have a few sets of leaves growth gets faster every day and you are well into the veg period by 42 days.

At 42 days, you will start seeing preflowers, male or female, pretty soon.


Active Member
Whats Happend To This Thread? Did You Ever Get The Yield Wanted, thinking of doing this myself need info please.
The thread is not finish! My grow is still months from being done.I have been updating the thread as much as possible so if you want to see the LST so far, Here it is!

Week 1 LST.JPGWeek 2 LST.JPGWeek 3 LST.jpgWeek 4 LST.jpg


Well-Known Member
hello everybody , doggyd lookin good lookin good , im subscribed, im waiting for some beans and im gonna be trying the same thing with the healthyest of the 2 strains ,do this and keepem as mothers for a couple months . looking real good and keep us updated . hope u hit that double quarter pounder with cheesee... YYYAAAAA BOYYYYYY ha ha


Active Member
Part 4 LST-Day 45 from seed- 15 days in VEG! :mrgreen:

I may have a problem Here. I don't know if i'm tripping out but it seems to me the main tip has not grown in 4 days. It seems the whole rest of the plant is growing but that main tip is stunted. I have small burnt tips on some leaves, may be high fertilizer or Nute Burn. The plant looks amazing right now and nervous to do a flush. What do you think?

Week 5 LST.jpgWeek 1 LST.JPGWeek 2 LST.JPGWeek 3 LST.jpgWeek 4 LST.jpg


Well-Known Member
its fine , id hit it with just ph'd water for one or 2 feedings then back to normal when it clears up but it looks healthy man


Well-Known Member
i also used to use advanced nutrients but after spending 700 on all that shit i was paying real close attention to my plants. after about 2 months i said fukit took it back and got my money back because it just wasnt that much better than what i was using so now i use dyna-gro . it has all 13 or 15 of advanced nutrients shit in 5 bottle, well 4 and 1 foliar spray ,and i been EXTRA green ever since i think AN has too much shit in it and alot of hype behind it , dyna-gro is old school and fairly cheap . just throwing it out there also my plant were alot yellower at the end of budding but i have a buddy who dosent use anything but AN


Active Member
This plant is filling this Flower Pot extremely quick and It for sure seems It will not make it around the whole Bucket! I think when it hits 30 days in veg I'm going to let her stretch some and then top everything. Then let her grow some and top again, DO A DOUBLE TOP, get 4 main colas per. Right now there are 12 shoots....Really excited to see the outcome of this plant!


Well-Known Member
This plant is filling this Flower Pot extremely quick and It for sure seems It will not make it around the whole Bucket! I think when it hits 30 days in veg I'm going to let her stretch some and then top everything. Then let her grow some and top again, DO A DOUBLE TOP, get 4 main colas per. Right now there are 12 shoots....Really excited to see the outcome of this plant!
If you want 4 colas per plant, let it grow to the sixth node and then top it down to the second node.


Well-Known Member
hey hey
I read a few pages and jumped to end to see how far yea got. At first i thought you were trying to get a half lb on 250watts. Now as I read on and u looking to get a half lb on 500watts with a mix of hps and mh. Now thats realistic. But its the intensity that blows on 250 HID systems but if u successes it would be nice to see what u do with 600Hps or 1000Hps :) .. Your talking to a 1000Hps man! ok, i also am getting a collection of 600HPS in my set up too.... Keep up the enthusiasm on your grow bud and the attention to detail! Best luck!