How was your first time smoking concentrates?

My first time,,huh.
So a buddy from work was telling me about how hash really helps him sleep. Been smoking weed , lots of weed, anyway. He tells me a coupe hits and he out like a light.
I dont sleep well, so on one particular night when i was already tired i took my first two HUGE DRAGON HITS lay down and start watching something on netflix. 5 hours later at like 2;30 in the morning i start feeling like i remember what tired felt like, i couldnt shut my eyes, totally focused , like study for exams high.
So , no i doesnt put me to sleep, but it damn sure picks me up, i almost feel normal.
Btw just pulled my very first and its awesome, so im going to need help .

@dangerlow - my first concentrate experience was quite a bit like yours (sans a snowy log, and if you add and ambulance there).

DAY BEFORE (had not smoked): my wife and I had a little spat and i very maturely decided to take my sleeping bag and go for a drive. I stew and swear to nobody, just sitting in my car, angry in a McDonald's parking lot.

I decide, FUCK THIS, I ain't going home tonight, turned the heat on in my car and pulled my sleeping bag out. Slept in the bag in the driver's seat of my car.

C-DAY (concentrate day!): I wake up in my car seeing plenty of people parked around me and someone walking by my car peering into the window. I remember thinking to myself this was going to be a shitty day. - turned out I was right on the money. I decided to head home and smoke a bowl.

Got home, went in garage to load a bowl and there was no weed to be found anywhere and there was no way i was gonna break the ice with "honey have you seen my pot?". I had just got my medical authorization like a week earlier. And hadn't smoked before that for over 10 years. Anyways, I decide to go to a dispensary and pick some up (this would be my second time ever in a dispensary).

I get there and learn that it has like 12 different vendors and each vendor has got their own booth with a shit ton of flower, concentrates, edibles, glassware, beans, clones, the whole bit. Each one of them was like the whole entire shop i had been to previously. It's a cannabis farmers market. Anyhow, I show my authorization, sign in, then they give me a name tag as a new patient (so vendors can identify who to load with freebies as to gain a new client).

So I keep getting pre-rolls and free dimes handed to me, I buy about half a zip from a couple of vendors and then head to leave. They stopped me at the door and say to wait a sec. "You still have your name tag on, as a new patient you can exchange the nametag for a dab at the dab bar in the back" - something to that effect anyhow.

I had seen the bar but wasn't interested earlier. It's in a large fenced covered, but outdoor, area. So I give them my name tag, pick what I wanted, I went with a hybrid extract. She hands me the oil rig (first time I'd seen one) and tells me shes going to heat the nail and to just hit it when shes puts the dab on it. She puts a large dab (after buying wax at a later date I learn it was roughly half a fucking gram) and I take a fucking healthy as rip off that bitch. The rest gets fuzzy. All I remember is as soon as I finished exhaling I got up from my bar stool to go out to more open air. As soon as i got up I was handed a cup of water, I was seeing in slow motion (almost as if the person who handed it to me like, anticipated where i would turn and that i would need that water or some shit), so my slow motion coughin ass drinks the water and goes toward edge the fence and I sit down on the curb that was there. I feel like I'm going to puke - and BOOM, I wake up with oxygen being pumped in my nose and I guy wearing a white shirt asking me if I could hear him, I recognize being wheeled on a gurny (sp?) into a an ambulance - BOOM lights out again. I wake up for just brief seconds only a couple of more times over the next several hours. / SIDE STORY - right now my wife still has no idea where I've been since I left the house the night before. Remember I went to the dispensary because i didn't want to ask her where my weed was.. Anyhow, keep that thought in mind here.. after just flashes of three faint moments in between, I go from it being 11AM with me thinking i need to puke at the dispensary, to 14 hours later, 1AM being discharged from a hospital, having no fucking idea how i got there or, what hospital it was, all fucking 5 W's + the H.

I call my wife, after asking the fucking discharge nurse where the FUCK I was, she picked me up, and THAT was C-DAY.

And I swear on my life that is a 100% true story - weirdest day of life and I've seen some fucked up days.

» This message was posted using my phone and the RIU android app. Mi apologies four typeos or pests tha meek know cents ;-p lol «
First time..... Melted some headband earwax on some bud then smoked..... Messed me up then I got a rig n no turnin bak
That is crazy, you haven't smoked in 10 years and your first hit is a half gram dab.. No wonder you went to the hospital haha
That is crazy, you haven't smoked in 10 years and your first hit is a half gram dab.. No wonder you went to the hospital haha

Well not my first. I had been smoking for about a week before that, but yeah 10 years before that (and never any concentrates). Needless to say, I was a wee bit gun shy to try my next dab...

» This message was posted using my phone and the RIU android app. Mi apologies four typeos or pests tha meek know cents ;-p lol «