How would you like your corpse handled??


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here seen the movie 'The Bucket List'? I think thats how I would like to be put to rest. First cremated and than put on top of a mountain, or behind a water fall, or in some sort of beautiful scenery right next to my best friend.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. That was exactly what I was going for. And majestic is the perfect word. I had it on the tip of my toung, just couldn't get it out.. +rep :)


Donate mine to whatever med school is closest to me.

I'm in school now and am very thankful that I have a dead body to carve up and see everything in before I start to carve up live folks where severing the wrong thing = death.

BTW, if anyone else is thinking of doing this, go ahead and make sure that when you're 80+ years old that you hit the gym and watch what you eat...getting a skinny cadavers with good muscle tone is like getting an extra hour in every dissection b/c you don't have to trim fat out of EVERYTHING. It really coats every structure in the body and makes things hard to see/differentiate. A couple groups had to get a new cadaver b/c there was too much fat coating the internal structures.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Pick me up wherever I fell, leave my fucking clothes on, I want dignity,dammit...don't cut me open even if it looks suspicious cuz it's my body and I want it left intact long enough for it to be tossed onto a pile of kindling and burned completely. I really don't care what is done with my ashes.
A very recent post by a Mr. Phelps inspired me to make this thread.

How would you like your corpse handled??



Placed in a Mausoleum?

Voice your opinions. Mine is a Viking Funeral. Placed alongside my mortal possessions in a noble viking longboat set to sea aflame.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Not really, no.Just whatever flammable material happens to be closest.I just want them to touch me as little as possible and get my corpse destroyed. If a crematorium is most convenient, fine.If there is a nearby ditch,great.
So you're saying you want a funeral pyre??????


Well-Known Member
I want to be eatin by wild Vultures or a meat eating bird or something.

Basically I want the energies of my entity to be filtered through an Avian species. It's kind of a personal spiritual preference.


Well-Known Member
Alot of people want to transfer their energy into other lifeforms...
True that but I like to think of it more as a dispersal of energy through life forms which consume the remains of the corpse.

This is what I believe. Think of it like this, you, are a single hand full of sugar, and when you die imagine the sugar being dumped on an ant hill. Every tiny rock of sugar was once a single handful and now in nature every single one of those sugar rocks are being consumed by all kinds of different ants....ant eaters and so on. The cycle of all of the fragments of our entity are going to be recycled in nature and we will all be a part of all kinds of different Life forms' Evolutions. It's kind of beautiful but sad that we can't escape the Force of Evolution.


Well-Known Member
I want to go out Norwegian sailor style. Wooden raft sticks piled apon me set to sail and set it on fire


Well-Known Member
survival of the fittest only applies as long as your the fittest haha. once i become disposable i hope to merely make a difference be it alive or dead, if my corpse could be a part of the volley ball corpse exhibit and make my family a lil bit of change thats cool but if ima burden then do what is covered by insurance or whatever is cheapest. i have lived through enough deaths that i would want mine to be enlightening and uplifting compared to the dreary and despotic. its always such a drag to get so wasted without the person you are getting wasted for...