How would your parents react if they caught you growing pot?


Active Member
I am the parent as well. For what its worth, my father actually helped me with some grow room construction earlier this year and is constantly lending me tools, as I only live a few miles away.

The reason I am responding in the first place is because I think back to when I was 16 and my mom found my stash, a bag and a small red and orange glass pipe in a brown corduroy pouch. Flash forward one year, me and my mom are about to smoke together for the second or third time, and she pulls out that bowl, a couple seconds pass, and we both realized at the same time where that bowl was from. She says that she loves the bowl and if I wanted it back I had to get her another one just like it. She still has that bowl.

cary schellie

Active Member
my uncle is 50 years old and still lives with his mother down in the basement along with his 18 year old son. They both get caught all the time either smoking or growing. Who says weed does not cause lack of motivation. When she snoops around and finds stuff they blame it on each other.


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty big plant. I helped a friend move his from my place to his, 1 building over. We threw a bag over it and i tried to hold it up so the stems wouldn't snap, but one did anyway. You sound like you have a pretty far way to go. Good luck
It's gonna be some sketchy work...

I am the parent as well. For what its worth, my father actually helped me with some grow room construction earlier this year and is constantly lending me tools, as I only live a few miles away.

The reason I am responding in the first place is because I think back to when I was 16 and my mom found my stash, a bag and a small red and orange glass pipe in a brown corduroy pouch. Flash forward one year, me and my mom are about to smoke together for the second or third time, and she pulls out that bowl, a couple seconds pass, and we both realized at the same time where that bowl was from. She says that she loves the bowl and if I wanted it back I had to get her another one just like it. She still has that bowl.
Ahahah that is an amazing story.


Undercover Mod
Tell him to man up and grow a pair. your gonna get caught moving everything tresspassing and growing.


Well-Known Member
My parents were so chill when i was a teen. My first time smoking was with my father, both my parents bought my liquor, i had no curfew after 6th grade, and when they found my plants in my closet all they said was move it to the shed.


Well-Known Member
my parents would shit theirselves if they knew about my grow in the bedroom closet. i'd probally be grounded for the rest of my life.
When I was about 10 I found (what i believe now to be) 1/4 oz and a wooden pipe in a kitchen cabinet. It was my dads. My mom told me when I was a teenager that he used to smoked every day. He left when I was 12 and moved in with an uptight woman (which he still lives with). I'm not too sure if he still smokes because she is far against it. I would invite him over to my place and show him my grow setup and pass him a bowl but I'm not sure if he even supports it anymore.

Some people were just blessed with awesome parents.


Well-Known Member
Tell him to man up and grow a pair. your gonna get caught moving everything tresspassing and growing.
I wasn't going to tell him about that, but I got home from work today and he already cut my shit down and packed up my grow equipment and stored it somewhere. I can't have it back til I move out.

my parents would shit theirselves if they knew about my grow in the bedroom closet. i'd probally be grounded for the rest of my life.
Well you must be doing a better job of hiding it than I am...


Active Member
Back in the late 1970’s we had a problem in So Cal with Paraquat posining. The US was illegally flying into Mexico and spraying Paraquat onto the pot plants. PQ is a defoliant and would SLOWLY kills the plants. So the Mexican would quickly pick them and send them across the border for us to smoke. Problem was the PQ laced pot when smoked would cause peoples lungs to bleed and it was a big problem. So my Mother was very happy to let me grown my own all threw High School.
During the late 1970s, a controversial program sponsored by the US government sprayed paraquat on marijuana fields in Mexico.[12] Since much of this marijuana was subsequently smoked by Americans, the US government's "Paraquat Pot" program stirred much debate. Perhaps in an attempt to deter people from using marijuana, representatives of the program warned that spraying rendered the crop unsafe to smoke.


Well-Known Member
Back in the late 1970’s we had a problem in So Cal with Paraquat posining. The US was illegally flying into Mexico and spraying Paraquat onto the pot plants. PQ is a defoliant and would SLOWLY kills the plants. So the Mexican would quickly pick them and send them across the border for us to smoke. Problem was the PQ laced pot when smoked would cause peoples lungs to bleed and it was a big problem. So my Mother was very happy to let me grown my own all threw High School.
During the late 1970s, a controversial program sponsored by the US government sprayed paraquat on marijuana fields in Mexico.[12] Since much of this marijuana was subsequently smoked by Americans, the US government's "Paraquat Pot" program stirred much debate. Perhaps in an attempt to deter people from using marijuana, representatives of the program warned that spraying rendered the crop unsafe to smoke.
That's.... what is wrong with our government.

I only buy goods, not the shitty mids that are imported from Mexico or Afghanistan.
i grow pot for my dad.... he's a vietnam vet and smokes more pot then the cookie monster eats cookies. we actually had a 1ft tall bubba kush as our center piece at the table for a while