Howdy all!

Total noob here, been researching lately for ideas.
I've stumbled across this forum too many times these past few days for it to be a coincidence.
I'll assume this is the homedistiller of weed.
Anyway, peace out!


Well-Known Member
Total noob here, been researching lately for ideas.
I've stumbled across this forum too many times these past few days for it to be a coincidence.
I'll assume this is the homedistiller of weed.
Anyway, peace out!
What did you come up with after all that research? Just curious to know...
What did you come up with after all that research? Just curious to know...
Well what has interested me the most is the distinction between incida and sativa.
If I'd known about that ten years ago I might have been wise enough to avoid many panic attacks.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
howdy! come in an have a smoke. u can get some great info here on the satvia and indica plants. both have great appeal.


Welcome to RIU, i was growing before i found this site but like you i seemed to stumble across this site alot in the search for the Myths of MJ.