How's best to clean my airstones?


Well-Known Member
What's the best method to clean my air stones?
I know, I have seen it posted on here before, but damned if I can find it when I need it..
I'm doing a res change and clean, and need to clean a little bit of gunk off one of my stones- from a plant that developed some slime. I got the plant cleaned up and doing well in another bucket, but I want to clean my other buckets and stones, making sure I get them as sterilized as I can.
I buy new one's at a couple of bucks each my time is worth WAY more then the trouble to clean them. If yours is not maybe you need to rethink your time management or your hourly rate.
I have some new stones on hand, so I've been using them while I clean the others. The h2o2 and boiling seems to be working well, so I'll keep with that. It's not that using new stones each time isn't worth it, and I may end up doing that yet, but I know that 29% h2o2 will kill pretty much everything it comes in contact with, and then boiling would further the sterilization process.
Having my root issues under control will help prevent such fear that I will spread it to my others, just want to cover all the bases.
I do appreciate your input- everone. Thanks
I buy new one's at a couple of bucks each my time is worth WAY more then the trouble to clean them. If yours is not maybe you need to rethink your time management or your hourly rate.

It takes me 10 minutes to deal with $30 of airstones in the dishwasher and h2o2 soak....Is your time worth $180/hour?? I wish mine was...
I soak them in hot water for an hour. Then run hot water with the most pessure. let them sit out over night to dry. If I need them dry right away. Wrap them in paper towel and microwave for 30 seconds. That also helps if they get water logged and stop bubbling.
Yeah the consensus seems to be boiling lol... well when airstones cost me £5 a pop and I have 2 per bucket (even with only 2 buckets) I can't afford £20 every time my airstones get a bit gunky. Boiling makes them look pretty much good as new! XD
It takes me 10 minutes to deal with $30 of airstones in the dishwasher and h2o2 soak....Is your time worth $180/hour?? I wish mine was...

If you have $30 dollars worth of air stones and your hourly is not that much then you need to work on your growing. Unless you using 15 air stones per bucket.. then back to work on your growing. Nice try sir, but you failed like the rest of the trolls.
If you have $30 dollars worth of air stones and your hourly is not that much then you need to work on your growing. Unless you using 15 air stones per bucket.. then back to work on your growing. Nice try sir, but you failed like the rest of the trolls.
The question was how to clean stones, not how to best manage time. Some of us feel more motivation to reduce/reuse than just economics. There are dozens of situations where someone might value parsimony over their time, such as anyone who has an assistant. These people would be looking for actual information instead of a demonstration of arrogance and lack of imagination.
If you have $30 dollars worth of air stones and your hourly is not that much then you need to work on your growing. Unless you using 15 air stones per bucket.. then back to work on your growing. Nice try sir, but you failed like the rest of the trolls.

LOL my gardens are just fine, thanks for your concern. Not that its even relevant or that I should be justifying myself to the likes of you, but Im just not a greedy fuck and choose to set my rate FAIRLY based on what its actually worth in the real world based on my real profession(THATS what I was asking about, not your time spent in the garden), not by being a scumbag and seeing how much I can scrounge by scamming my patients, several of whom are actually disabled vets truly needing what I provide. And if that means I spend a few minutes to save a few bucks, and get to pass along most of those savings, its worth it to me. I get meds to them at less than 30% of average local prices, and can still manage $40-50 for my time, so we're all happy. But hey, if you feel that every person who figures out how to grow some pot in a closet deserves the same pay as a surgeon just because the black market will allow it, thats your decision, even though its an ignorant and self-serving one.

Like Heisenberg said, thanks for arrogantly trolling instead of actually being useful and answering the question at hand. Obviously youre too focused on yourself to care about helping anyone around you who could use it, both in this thread and in the real world. Ever hear of paying it forward?