How's going? First grow update, end of 6st week - critical automatic


Well-Known Member
Hi folks!

That's Matilda, my first plant deserved a name! She is almost 7 weeks old.

- Using a CFL 120w trying to keep it closer as I can.
- 18/6 light cycle with
- fun and dehumidifier running 24h
- Temp 22/26 Celsius
- Humidity 50/56%

The plant I'm growing is an automatic critical

On the website it says the harvest should be after 8/9 weeks for indoor grows, am I in time considering this is almost the 7th week?

im feeding her with the website suggested feed.

also on the website they suggest 1.5 liter of water X day starting from the 6th week but giving her 1 liter for now I already otice the day after the soil is still pretty humid in the bottom with the mechanical tester, so not sure if I should be waiting to be totally dry or should I push and give her 1.5 liter X day as the website suggests.

do my u think I can do anything now to improve the crop and the result? Any suggestion well appreciated! Thanks a lot on advance guys



Well-Known Member
Yes at least 4-5 weeks more to go. More light would help. Use your own judgement on watering. Im not sure what the breeder is saying by 1.5 liter per day of water. There are just too many factor that go into how often and much to water, pot size, light intensity, Rh, temps. Etc.. They May mean that the plants like it a bit on the wetter side. You could always email them and ask.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
ive allways herd that you should add a week or more onto the times they give for auto's. why advertise shorter times then is nessasary??


Well-Known Member
@Merlin1147 @Wattzzup I ve a mars hydro ts600 ready to replace the current CFL agro 120w.

I just did not replace it yet because:
- 1: the plant growed with cfl since the beginning, not sure if the switch to led and lot more powerful light may stress her out and fucked the crop up
- 2 may not have enough space right not between the tent ceiling and the plant as I did not proper LST and the plant is quite tall... If the light is too close I can cause light stress and damage the plant.

What do y think should I switch? I can check how far the led light would be from the plant at this stage and u can suggest me if I should proceed or not! How's does this sound?



Well-Known Member
Both good points. There are definitely some new spectrums that will be introduced. How much distance could get between if you tied the tops down more and is the light dimmable? I’d go for it. Maybe use both and turn the LED on a few hours and gradually work it up. You might have no problem going all in.


Well-Known Member
@Merlin1147 the max distance that I can reach is around 28 cm, maybe a little bit more like 29/30 cm

The light is not dimmable but has been suggested to me that it should be okay if kept 30 cm far from the plant during flowering.

Impossible to keep them both! Too small tent, there is no way at all!

What do u suggest me to do?

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Both good points. There are definitely some new spectrums that will be introduced. How much distance could get between if you tied the tops down more and is the light dimmable? I’d go for it. Maybe use both and turn the LED on a few hours and gradually work it up. You might have no problem going all in.
Great advice, i would also sagest you use both lights if possable, it will pay of in way more bud