hows it going!?a little about me and my girls

well I'll start by asking how's your night? :lol:bongsmilieHope you're enjoying it, im the new guy :bigjoint:with about 10 girls 5 in soil 2.5gal"ocean forest" and 5 "dwc 5gal".i did this to get the feel for what I Will stick with in the long soil girls are 50/50 some growing big and pretty the other ones are still small or Growing yellow Leafsimage.jpg I want to feed them nutrients bt don't know if I should wait,:confused:as for my Dwc they haven't really grown much I'm guessing due to the root rot they had when I first got them,I fixed it with hygrozyme then it came back so I've been using voo doo and piranha just spraying a bit on the root and 2-4ml in a gallon when I feed them and it works I have some EwC bt that's it so I don't think I can make a healthy tea for them with just ewc ,these girls also look a bit on the yellow side with less leafs going brown..I wanted to know if there's a way I can make them grow greener or a bit more rapid to catch up to the others lol water temp is 75f image.jpg happy growing!! Thank you for your advice and just dropping in :eyesmoke::blsmoke:
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Your soil grow is ready for nutes. Go 1/4 stregnth for a few feeds. DWC iv no exp with.
Do you know what's causing the root rot in the first place? What are the specs on the air pump you're using? And how warm is the res?
Completely honest I have no idea I thought maybe the ph has a lot to do with it mines always sitting at 7.0-8.4ph so I keep ph down on deck and bring it to 5.5 The water is 75f right now sometimes its 67f the air stones are regular bubble stones from Walmart the rectangular ones,the air pump is made for 20-60gallons with 2 nozzles I connect them and just add them to the bubble maker so I do only have 1 air stone in each bucket ,I have 3 of them also found at buckets are 5gal probably filled up to 4gallons, I will upload pics for better specs in a bit I'm not home at the moment though ,,did I miss anything?
This is the pump and the water temp is 68f right now I sometimes throw a frozen bottle in there it last about 6hours I haven't checked the temp when it's in there,would I need a bigger pump or air stones?maybe nutrients or a tea? I've been reading a lot on the teas bt all I have is EWC as of right now and few advanced nutrient products I stocked on over timeimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
This is the pump and the water temp is 68f right now I sometimes throw a frozen bottle in there it last about 6hours I haven't checked the temp when it's in there,would I need a bigger pump or air stones?maybe nutrients or a tea? I've been reading a lot on the teas bt all I have is EWC as of right now and few advanced nutrient products I stocked on over timeView attachment 3450356
The pump is ok the stones are absolutely not ok. No amount of air or number of stones is going to do any good with the pH range that you have. Get that fixed first. Lower the nutrient solution ppm to 500. 67-75 degrees is acceptable and stop the ice bottles, they won't cure anything except damage the roots. Stop all the extras your doing, concentrate on aerating the bucket. Each 5 gal bucket should look like a whirlpool with a ton of aeration. Lower the water level to 3 gal or just below the longest roots and let the bubbles popping keep the rest of the roots damp, they will grow to find more water. Give it a week to get in a groove then begin SLOWLY raising the nutrient solution to 750ppm over two weeks time. Good thing about hydro is that changes for good or bad will be noticeable within a day or three. Don't be afraid to use peroxide @ 1oz/gal to straighten out the roots. Less is more with hydro. TopFin makes a cylindrical 4" fine bubble stone that works great. You'll find em at pet smart. Pick up a Top Fin 4 outlet air pump made to treat 170 gallons. That along with 4 of the 4" stones and that will take care of the water for the largest plants you can possibly grow. So #1 is pH, #2 water level and solution strength #3 air air and more air