How's it looking?? First Timer (PICS)


We had to raise our scrog last night, totally ran out of room between canopy and top of buckets.... this is ok, right?
I guess that is why you never weave the plants, only tuck them under! lol

We are in our transition phase from veg to flower - day 4 and about to switch to flower time tracking. We keep them on veg nutes for a few more weeks, right? We are using Canna products and have kept our PPM at about 550, this needs to be higher for flower, yes?

So excited....

Another question that no one answered in the aero forum --- is flowering accelerated in an aero set up? I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere but now I can't find it.... how much is it faster, if it is faster?

Thank you so much for any words of support, criticism, advice or whatever you can offer!!

Under the canopy picture - getting so crowded!!

Size comparison shots ---- one week ago

Last night

Shot of the canopy

Overhead shot of screen


Active Member
Nice job! Makes me wish mine was as nice as yours :C
I was told not to give em blooming nutes untill around 7-14 days, keep giving them veg nutes since the first 2 weeks they have thee biggest growth spurt. Hope this is right because im in my 4th day of flowering and if this isn't right I'm screwed lol
Best of Luck


Active Member
I've just been using FF Big Bloom so far with FloraNova:Grow, Hi-Brix Molasses, CALiMAGic, Cannazyme and some stand-alone Humboldt County root innoculants. In this next week I'll will be starting the blooming nutes, FF Tiger Bloom and EJ Bloom Master.
How bout you?


Well-Known Member
keep feeding veg nutes until the strech is done(14 days ish). You may want to get some epsom for bloom stage, canna make great nutes but they lack mag. Don't do areo so can help u with that sorry or PPM's. Plants look great tho well done man!!!! That screen will be packed once they've streched :weed:


Thanks! We will be picking up some canna soon so we will ask about adding some mag. We are very excited!


also started growing for the first time recently in a cupboard (3plants), planted the seeds 8 days ago after germination. have attached pictures, they are auto-flowering NLxlow ryder. planted them straight into the pots after germination from jiffys . using organic nutrients, so far have only used root grow. Also curious as to if the plants are too long or ok, and any other general growing tips? have been using CFL light 250W from the start, on for 24 hours a day.

is a fan essential? any help at all is very welcome.
