How's it looking


Well-Known Member
Think shes 5 weeks old don't have much room to grow its in a wardrobe got a 600w ligth think it could be to big for it if i put a fan in there the leaves dry up so I took the fan out


Well-Known Member
The leaves shouldn't dry up just because theres a fan on them, as far as i know. you say its in a wardrobe? is there fresh air being circulated into and out your space?


Well-Known Member
I also spray her with water all over the leaves
do you use just plain water? try getting some kelp potash i believe its called, it has Cytokinins, which are found naturally in all complex plants, they increase the plants ability to faster root cell division, quicker shoots and larger bud growth, according to some growers. I use the vegamatrix hard n quick 5-10ml/l when i foliar feed