hows my crop


Active Member
damn thats shit i got one more plant to see if its gunna be female otherwise im waiting for next season to grow.

well happy blazin :bigjoint:


Active Member
yeh my camera wont focus in all that well. i think the 12/12 gunna be here very soon and there only about 10 inch you think ill be able to grow even a tiny bud if its female:blsmoke:


Active Member
can anyone help. the 2 pics of my plant do they look healthy and strong? as i sed its about 10 inches tall so not very big will it still bud even the tinest amount?
thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
they look good. you should get some small buds. enough to enjoy and cause you to grow more and more and more............


Active Member
thanks man thats the shit i wna hear well i hope i get a couple in for a crimbo smoke. already picked out my seeds for next year thanks for the comment
have a bongsmilie on me :blsmoke:

Hip Hop Grower

Well-Known Member
when did you plant this? if its that small by this time you might not even get it to flower :S wish you luck on your next grow! :)


Active Member
my mate got some bud and he planted the seed he found in it. had it on a window seal since the begining of august and wasnt doing to well was in a very small pot with another plant so ive had for 2 weeks tranferd into a 10 litre pot. i live in the uk, london way so i hope ill be alight for the frost at november time.....:blsmoke:


Active Member
i get the feeling there guna be males shud no in the next 2 weeks i jsut hope im gunna have a girl


Well-Known Member
well it is super late.. most of us started growing in april and may... maybe youll get something.. keep us posted dude!