Hows my Indoor looking ? blueberry/HDF/big bud/whitewidow


Well-Known Member
Took both clones that i had taken in late april out of my bubble cloner, after lettn sit in there a little too long. Potted to soil . (the ones in my avatar pic) They were under HPS side lighting until being recently put under cfl closet. Theres some major yellowing at tops and browning, but im not worried bout it. Like i said theyve just been moved under different lights, to a different environment, and transplanted out of a DWC cloner to soil. they'll bounce back. Heres a couple pics..........ill get some more pics of my bud room in the morning its been progressing nicely!:joint::peace:

Any1 Have any grow experience with THE "GrowZilla 2000w dual bulb HPS"??




Well-Known Member
Hey bud, lookin good. If I read right you had a few small bubba's (4th page or so) I have one as well and I saw the mother 4 weeks in she too was a low yeilder compared to the strands right next to her in the same flood table that were twice the size. We are talking hand size compared to forearm size.


Well-Known Member
the smaller girls on the right, are 3 blue heavens, and 1 blueberry. in the middle is a heavy duty fruity, and on the right the larger 1's are 3 white widows, and 1 big bud. bubba kush was a smaller yielder?


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics from this morning. i woke up this morning early to take pics. i didnt water yesterday trying to let my medium dry out a little bit. noticed my biggest girl , the big bud clone just bought wilted over. immediatly flushed with alot of water, and by 930am had recovered from the wilt..gezzz.
well heres pics of Day 18 flower:joint:



Well-Known Member
well these have shown sex eversince i picked them up from caregiver. im kinda rural and no club up here but ive got a very reliable caregiver thats got bout 10+++ strains to choose from.

Heres where im at:

3.18 : Picked up 2 white widow clones
3.22: Picked up 1 Big Bud clone, 1 more WW, and a Heavy Duty Fruity

4.2 : Picked up 3 blue heaven clones, 1 Blueberry.

All were shown female pistols from the minute i got them. I vegged accordingly to get them fatt. Started 12 12 April 15


Well-Known Member i said i didnt water yesterday was too busy to get in there with my window of time on the 12 12 's. i got in there early this morning and my largest lady was way dry and bottom fan leaves were wilting. i water 'd the shit out of her, and wham 2 hrs later she appeared just fine. My exhaust is rigged to a night and day thermostat. ... so it clicks on if temps rise above 75...drawing cold air from the garage, until it reaches prefered say average lights on temps are between might hit 85 once a day in the cycle but then is brought back down and so forth. another lights going in after these are done, and a/c will simply just have to be installed. but id say no on overwatering and heat issues


Good job man, loving the setup hopefully you can get some fat nuggs of them girls +REP :peace:


Well-Known Member
rep for u rolling joints...well i shouldve started a grow journal...but im gonna stick with this thread till chop...then ill be setting up a more eleborate room if all goes ill start a journal then to show upgrades and wut not.....

but ya thanks for looking and im keepn my fingers crossed 2
does anyone know what's happening to these leaves?? the tips are changing colour kind of brown and they have lots of white spots but i'm sure they are not pests could they be mineral residues?? If this is a sign that a leaf is dying should i cut it off or leave it or what should i do??



Well-Known Member
those look like the first set of leaves which naturaly lose color . . yellow.. brown or fall off...dont trip give it time and TLC. blackshark start a thread or a journal...that way u can keep track of your grow...and get input along the way


Yeah it happens. Patience and new leaves will outgrow them usually you dont need to worry so much about the plants during veg any problems I get or have was always in flower!

Whens the next update tilemaster? Im subscribed! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
as soon as a get a couple more dble A's for my camera RollingJoints...there swelln on a daily...cant believe how much resin production there is for 19 days............cant wait brother!!!


Im dam excited for you! We can compare our buds when they are both finished! What week are you in now?


Well-Known Member
19 days 2 weeks and 5 days.....

am noticing some yellowing so i gave them a little N...the last feeding i just gave them bloom, and big bud AN booster...and mollassas...then i read my bottles and ur supposed to stay givin there N for the first 2 -3 weeks of flowering, and kinda as u c they need it...

it was just a few bottom leaves turnin yellow, and i pull them off as they need it. everythin 's sweeling wonderin if i should still lollipop all the lowers that arent gettn light, cause i dont want no wispy shit. no sure yet wut im gonna do as far as the lowers...well Def RollingJoints you can post ur pics in here as u flower...itll be fun to compare.


Well-Known Member
gotta bounce ...gonna run over the hill and pick up a zip and a quarter of my buddies blueberry....been smoking trim for 3 daysss too long.