How's school?


Well-Known Member
I don't have the money for college. I'm really struggling here. I barely made it through highschool with my bad ass skipping and getting bad grades but it was kind of hard and the stupid teachers never wanted to help me so I'd skip or had to go to in school suspension. High school days sucked ass for awhile lol.

I just don't think I could really go to any decent college and I don't want a loan because that would fuck me up, my dad's still paying off his college loan and he's in his 50's my mom's still paying hers off too.
As you can tell I come from a dirt fucking poor family and by the time they are done paying all their debts off to anyone they won't have any money to even help me a little. :(
Thats what financial aid is for chika :hump:


Well-Known Member
Haha actually, when i graduated from high school i traveled around the hemisphere squatin in different locations for a couple years, then when i returned home i got a full time job and just took 1 or 2 night classes a semester for a few years. now im at an university studying marine biology tryin to get my life on the roll


Well-Known Member
I don't have the money for college. I'm really struggling here. I barely made it through highschool with my bad ass skipping and getting bad grades but it was kind of hard and the stupid teachers never wanted to help me so I'd skip or had to go to in school suspension. High school days sucked ass for awhile lol.

I just don't think I could really go to any decent college and I don't want a loan because that would fuck me up, my dad's still paying off his college loan and he's in his 50's my mom's still paying hers off too.
As you can tell I come from a dirt fucking poor family and by the time they are done paying all their debts off to anyone they won't have any money to even help me a little. :(
Don't be so unmotivated alie!!!


I thought the same things before I started school. I signed
up, did all the paperwork and assessment testing,

and I always wondered "wtf, how am I going to pay for transportation,
books, projects, the student center service fees, and $20 per unit.
(English classes are 4 units, so thats $80 for that class)"

I signed up for financial aid, and I'm basically going to school for
free because my family doesn't make enough to give me
an "expected family contribution" or EFC as they call it.

Basically I'm getting paid to go to school. The state pays for
all of my units, and I get about $2700 a semester!!!

So, lets see. I don't pay for classes, and I'm getting free money
to buy books, and I take the bus to school, and only go
two days a week!!!

Thats $6 a week for transportation, free books, and free extra money.

Please, don't tell yourself you can't afford it, there are plenty of scholarships and state funding to help you.
Trust me. If your parents aren't in that higher paying tax bracket,
you will get your education basically for free. :mrgreen:


Im loosing the school battle...I think im going to go smoke now, since thats all im good at.... But school is good.


Well-Known Member
So far straight A's...I have 2 more exams though so that could change, but hopefully not. That pretty good considering I took 2 yrs off of school to dick around. I should be done next year.


Well-Known Member
damn bro.. props to you. it's tough balancing school and work, especially when you have a girlfriend too. What is your field of study?
well my major is business administration, but this semester I am taking college algebra,, introduction to college writing, and principles of accounting 2. the math class is 5 days a week so it is homework every night of the week. and then accounting and english is just a bunch of homework and the english we write a paper each week, 1-5 pages. so it's a hefty workload.


Well-Known Member
Going pretty well over here, making great grades and keeping up with all assignments and exams. I can almost taste that AA :-o
Sweet, I'm switching major next semester. Gonna get certified as an EMT, do the required six months of EMT work, go to the fire academy, and hopefully be accepted to the paramedic program(which is extremely difficult).


My school is going fanfuckingtastic. I have straight A's and I'm so into all of my classes right now I just love it.