hows she looking?


Well-Known Member
I am now about month into flowering and the buds are looking better everyday. Its been 80 degrees here the past 3 days so the plant is loving it. It is going to start cooling off starting tomorrow, but hopefully it will last at least another month outside. Let me know what you think, and if anyone might have a rough estimate on what my final yield may be.



Well-Known Member
Looking good my freind as far as final yield is concerned there are so many variables its not worth even guessing,just see watch nature does,looking good


Well-Known Member
yes looking what is the strain...or is it bagseed?...have u been using nuts?..smoke on ..peace


Active Member
those gals are lacking something, probably sunlight and nutrients and water. they should be much bushier, probably haven't been watered much, are they way out in the bush? you are going to have to cut off those big leaves, and hopefully you will get an ounce a plant. the hard part will be letting it set out and then letting it sit until christmas, when it will really start tasting good.


Well-Known Member
the strain is nevilles haze, a cross of haze and northern lights. It is a very long flowering strain. It has already been flowered once inside when it was only about 2 feet tall. I do not recall the exact name of the nutrients i have been using, but i believe it is fish emultion(not sure of spelling). The plant gets quite a bit of direct sunlight, but it is out in the middle of the woods. It took about 12 weeks to flower inside, so i should be around a third of the way done. I doubt it will be able to stay outside much into november, if that late at all. Weather has been awesome for a long flowering plant in my area, hope it stays this way. Thanks for all the responses, any suggestions on blooming fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
already flowered inside? nice job man. and your right.. they still have a while left


Well-Known Member
From what i can see, shes lookin yummy!... even tho there r no closeup of a bud.. i bet shes crystally too.. lol


Well-Known Member
looks very healthy!! :) good luck if your in a warmer climate it should do fine for an other month outside.


Well-Known Member
im in new england and the first real good frost should be coming in another 2-3 weeks. Hopefully it can survive a couple, because it will have to if i want it to be finished before i harvest. I will try and get some closer pics of buds in next few days


Active Member
Nice looking good luck on the rest of your grow and harvest, hope she produces some good smoke for ya :) let us know how it went.


Well-Known Member
if it's possible to cover her up at 7pm then uncover her at 7am then you won't have to worry about frost at all!! it's how I roll being up in Canada and all!! :)


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics i just took today. Buds are still looking nice. I figure i have at least another 3-4 weeks and the weather has still been excellent for growing. Very few hairs overall have started to turn red. Most of the buds are covered in crystals even though they are not that big. Cant wait for this to be ready.



Well-Known Member
ive got some updated pics. We had a good rain last night, and rain is expected the next 3-4 days, but after that the forecast shows only sun. Hopefully there will be no side effects from this much rain near the end of budding. I figure that my girl is about 45 days into flowering and when indoors it took at least 80 days, but this plant outdoors seems to be maturing faster. Hoepfully this is normal and the colder weather is hurrying it along. If all goes well i will be cutting down the last week of october or the first week of november. Any advice is appreciated.

