HPA cheapest cycle timer found!


So this is a relay timer I found on ebay. I haven't tested it yet, but it looks like it will do just fine...

The ebay site isn't very explanatory, but if you look closely in one of the pictures you can see a link to another site inside the packaging of the product... http://www.3rdbrakeflasher.com/timer-c-68/multifunctional-12v-time-delay-relay-timer-p-192.html (you get redirected from a short link to this one lol)
And specifically in that website, you guys want to check the video for configuration #5 and #6 (which are easily configured according to this video
) which is repeat cycle... the specifications say it can take times from 0.1s to 1000000s lol and it saves your configuration inside an internal memory, so if you unplug it you won't lose it...

I think I'm in love...
The ones i use are slightly cheaper than that and have a few more bells and whistles. 12v dc with a timing range of 0.05sec to 1,000,000sec. Modded to handle 25A DC with a conservative life expectancy of 30-50 million operations, about 174 years (minimum) on a 3 sec 3 minute cycle ;)
The configuration of that timer could drive you mad.
push this button, push that button and save the setting by launching it across the room yelling "set you stupid bugger" lol
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Nice Atomizer! Well this one looks pretty straightforward to me in matters of setting it up. Read it once, set it up and you're done... it's 12v, so a led strip or anything you might have to have the visual aid while setting it up would work. I would love to see the ones you use :)
The main issue i see is the setting accuracy if you have to keep your finger on the button for exactly that time. Setting 0.1sec will take cat like reflexes and 1,000,000 seconds will put the timer out of action for around 11days while you are setting it ;)
Lol well, to be fair, I was only looking for a 1st accuracy, and my cycles go from 3 to 6 min... still I get your point, being 6 minutes there pressing a button might be annoyying
It would really bug me not knowing exactly what the timer was set at or being able to set the timer to exactly what i wanted. You shouldnt need a stopwatch to set a precision timing device :)