Hps 1000w or LED

It's very easy to assemble but a Kingbrite 320w would be half the price of the HLG 320w kit and uses Samsung diodes and the same Meanwell driver.

It took 6 days to get my order from Kingbrite.
That is amazing, according to their site they have a 15 day lead time and 6 to 10 days shipping. That is if customs gets to it, must be better in the US than Canada as that is an incredible speed to get an order from China. I just bought a new LED but went with HLG in the end so I didn't have to deal with China and also due to the 3 year warranty but Kingbrite would certainly be much cheaper.
That is amazing, according to their site they have a 15 day lead time and 6 to 10 days shipping. That is if customs gets to it, must be better in the US than Canada as that is an incredible speed to get an order from China. I just bought a new LED but went with HLG in the end so I didn't have to deal with China and also due to the 3 year warranty but Kingbrite would certainly be much cheaper.
That's what it said on their site as well when I ordered but I was pleasantly surprised to receive it six days after payment. Tracking history says that it went all the way from China->Japan->Michigan->California, which is pretty insane in six days especially during a pandemic lol.

I built a 320w light with two of HLG's QB 96's for under $300, which is pretty good considering their 320w QB DIY kit is $485. I'm excited to try it out this run and will be interesting to see how it performs next to my Kingbrites.
Lol he just said he’s is a 2x4x4 tent and you’re going to recommend a 600-650w LED..?

Remind me what the title of this thread called?

Excuse me for not reading the whole thread and assuming he was looking for an LED light equivalent to a 1000W, based of the title of this thread lol
Yeah I’m looking at the specs and the details of them on amazon and some of them look like they could be really good they have great reviews but everyone is telling me that they are shit so now I’m scared. I was gonna go with Amazon because I have prime and it can be here in two days. I have plants that are going into flowering and I don’t wanna fuck this up I need them sooner than later
There will be two sets of wattage. The first is in the title suggesting that the light is an equivalent to a HPS. The true wattage that the unit pulls from the socket will be further down in the product description.
The wattage in the title is often ten times he true wattage.
Also I've seen a lot of 200 watt units cheaper than 100 watt units so the 200watts are often a good buy over the 100's.
It was like this for many years and still is so on Amazon. Dont buy any lights there, they are 99.9% shit. Most people use white led lights now, and the tendency is to quote the actual power draw, although amazon seems to be still in fairy land. And no, no matter how many good reviews they have on amazon, theyre not.

Amazon sells the spider farmer series the new ones kick ass!