HPS and a Veg Question..


Well-Known Member
Without anyone exaggerating, how long does it usually take you to get a 1ft or so plant from sprout in general regardless of strain?

I keep reading books where people are vegging for a month and have 1.5' plants afterwards. That has not been my experience at all. I veg with a t5 HO as close as I can get it to the plants, good temps, correct watering, and healthly looking growth. Can anyone else say that honestly 30 or so days after sprouting that they have a 1-2 ft plant?

ALSO, I've never tried it but has anyone tried and can tell me what results they had when vegging with t5ho's vs using a hps lamp?


Well-Known Member

My grow where I veg under hps. I even popped the beans under hps. Lol.

It took me 6 weeks to get a nearly 1.5ft tall plant BUT I topped during that time.

I used to use a 200w CFL for veg and it would take almost 8 weeks to get a 1.5ft tall plant.

Due to closeness of the lamp etc.

If you keep your lights as close as possible you achieve more compact node spacing which IMO is better than trying to reach a perticular height.

IME the larger you veg a plant the less it tends to stretch during transition.



Well-Known Member

My grow where I veg under hps. I even popped the beans under hps. Lol.

It took me 6 weeks to get a nearly 1.5ft tall plant BUT I topped during that time.

I used to use a 200w CFL for veg and it would take almost 8 weeks to get a 1.5ft tall plant.

Due to closeness of the lamp etc.

If you keep your lights as close as possible you achieve more compact node spacing which IMO is better than trying to reach a perticular height.

IME the larger you veg a plant the less it tends to stretch during transition.

What would you suggest I veg with? I was vegging with a t5 ho, but an almost two month veg do get a plant that's about a foot and a half tall is crazy. T5 HO VS HPS for vegging?


Well-Known Member
What would you suggest I veg with? I was vegging with a t5 ho, but an almost two month veg do get a plant that's about a foot and a half tall is crazy. T5 HO VS HPS for vegging?
Personally out of the 2 choices I would veg with the hps.

Quicker veg growth.

With the right nutrient regime you don't get any extended spacing on nodes like people tend to say happens with hps.



Well-Known Member
Early plant growth reflects the pots you are using. A new seedling, 3-4 inches, will reach 12 inches in 2 weeks if you leave her in a solo cup. If you put the seedling straight into a big 3-gallon pot the plant will mostly just grow roots until the pot is full of roots. Only then will you see much growth aboveground. Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of strain changes everything...

Right now I have 6 strains in veg, 3 are over 12 inches and 3 are under 12 inches. 3 are mostly sativa, 3 are mostly indica.

So for 3 it took under 30 days to reach 12 inches and I expect the other 3 to be in 12/12 for a week or two before they break 12 inches.


Active Member
I veg under t5s and after a month I'm usually around 8-10 inches and that usually my flip point and I use the hps for flowering but i only really use the 2 cause they are separate.
I'm glad I came on this thread because I have been wondering the same stuff. I have two INDICA based plants. WW and bubblelicious and I started vegging them under floros until they were about 4 inches 3wks. Then figured I needed more light so I put them under a 400w MH and they've gotten taller. But the nodes are nice and close and the plants are healthy. Right now they're in 3 gal pots and about 8inches or a little more. I hear some people say their plants are like 2 ft tall after 6 wks so idk. For the first few wks they were in like smaller pots and when I transplanted them they were all root bound