Active Member
I was wondering if it's possible, and how well would it work, if during veg you did 6 hours of just cfl's and 12 hrs of cfl's and HPS for a total of 18 hours on and then turn them off for 6?


Well-Known Member
why not just use the cfls and the hps for 18 hours. if your thinking you dont want to put the hps on to save 6 hours of electricity spent it wont really matter.


Well-Known Member
I've wondered similarly . . . like using fluros 3 hrs in the a.m, then 3 just before lights out, with hps in the middle . . . to sorta simulate the cool, morning light, then waning evening rays.
Currently I'm moving hps plants to cfls for a day here and there (for space issues, not as an experiment) and all's going fine. I haven't noticed any looseness in the bud construction.


Well-Known Member
Pure and simply this has no advantage any shape or form. #1 The theoretical electricity saved is the only point of interest, and its a waste because most power company's average your killa-watt hours by the day,week or even month. So it would take a awhile for average to accumulate, and when switching light cycles it could start over again(unless you supply your own power). #2 The effects of a different spectrum and intensity at certain periods is minuscule as in the means of Growth advantage. its always good to wonder and test for yourself.