HPS is crap. The frostiest trees are surrounded by LED's.


Well-Known Member
None of this science stuff works out of a tightly run lab or for any appreciable amount in our grow tents, same why no one here has ever made uv work.

It certainly sold a lot of leds in the meantime....


Well-Known Member
leds can provide some spectrum that hps just cannot.

there are are even led systems that put out the spectrums that the sun provides at the exact hours of the day those spectrums are being produced. hps can't do that.

with that said i use both led and hps
Ya im a long time disagreer with everything you just said, many other threads state the reason leds couldnt outyeild hps and detail where your wrong on spectrum, hps has way more and dosent rely on pfd claims that never worked.

I mean now cmh is here we can drop all the led hype about their spectrum and yeilds claim...


Well-Known Member
"his experiment has provided additional
evidence that equal PPF does not necessarily
result in equivalent amount of mineral uptake.
Spectral quality may exert an influence on
mineral nutrition through related physiolog-
ical processes such as stomatal control, trans-
piration and carbohydrate translocation."

Quick excerpt from the pdf if you don't feel loke reading the whole thing. They've known since the 60s that spectral quality effects nutrient uptake. They do close the article by saying that ultimately you are better off making up for abundance or deficiency by altering your feed schedule than you are trying to use supplimental light to balance the problems that result. Or, better yet, use full spectrum light.
Thank you for the link. Last time i asked for proof the guy posted links to forum conversations. Read every word. I stand corrected. Didnt look like much of a difference but a difference none the less.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the link. Last time i asked for proof the guy posted links to forum conversations. Read every word. I stand corrected. Didnt look like much of a difference but a difference none the less.
You're welcome. And you're right, the difference doesn't appear to be very large in most real world application. I did find myself having to provide more calmag when i was growing under my Solar Storm 440 blurple, but not drastically more. The bump was probably 6 to 8 percent.


Well-Known Member
6 to 8 is very tiny in terms of calcium. Mid flower mine get 200 to 220 ppm of calcium 6 to 8% is like 12 to 18 ppm no sure if thats enough to cause a deficiency without it. More likley the plants just need fed more because you bought a nice led. California lightworks is one of the few led companies with a quality product.


Well-Known Member
Message_1471386028426.jpg Keep in mind im growing in coco so calcium levles is already high. Never added cal mag untill i started in coco. This is my first real harvest years ago under a led