HPS is it okay to veg??


Active Member
Totally will. Slightly different growth pattern than under MH or CMH, but still a good one. I think the red spectrum produces bushier plants than MH alone. This is true under LED or HID.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, thats what I figured. I was thinking of running both MH and HPS together next grow. I was doing some research and seems like the way to go. I guess they have light hoods that hold 2 bulbs. I didn't see anything like that when I was putting my set-up together last year, but now I keep hearing about them..maybe for Christmas..lol..just kidding...Santa hates me anyways. Thanks again...have a stoney one.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm convinced now..lol. Thanks for the help. Now I'm wondering...why veg. under MH in the 1st place? This is my plan now...start veg. with HPS (1000w) for 2 weeks, then go to MH untill flower. At 12/12 I will go back to HPS and then for last 2 weeks of flower go to MH again.That should do the trick...thanks for all the info..see ya


Well-Known Member
because the blue spectrum encourages more plant growth than the red

Wait... what!? You're going to start with HPS in veg, then MH, then HPS to flower with, then back to MH the last couple weeks? WTF? That is just nonsense, use MH to veg, and HPS to flower. That's it.


Well-Known Member
The problem started when my MH bulb burned out. So I started to veg. with HPS ...just for now. Then alot people said they use MH for the last 2 weeks of flowering. Then I heardd people say they use HPS for both veg. and budding. So for now I'm vegging with a HPS untill friday, but I thought about letting it go for an extra week, then switch to MH...then HPS for flowering...then MH the LAST 2 weeks. Does that sound too crazy??


Active Member
I thought about letting it go for an extra week, then switch to MH...then HPS for flowering...then MH the LAST 2 weeks. Does that sound too crazy??
kinda if you have a MH and a HPS use the MH for veggin because when MJ is in grow stage she like the blue spectrum like purplehazin said as well... and use the HPS for flower cuz when MJ flowers she likes more of the red spectrum........the only reason why i dont veg with a MH is cuz i dont have one so i use my HPS
if you must have more blue spectrum just go for an hps bulb like the phillips son agro or hortilux super blue. hps is more efficient than mh anyway.


Well-Known Member
kinda if you have a MH and a HPS use the MH for veggin because when MJ is in grow stage she like the blue spectrum like purplehazin said as well... and use the HPS for flower cuz when MJ flowers she likes more of the red spectrum........the only reason why i dont veg with a MH is cuz i dont have one so i use my HPS
I just got back. Thanks for the info. I already switched my veg. light back to MH. Had to go buy a fregg'in bulb...$$ not so bad but it's like a 70 mile drive each way...so that part sucked...lol. Thanks for the help again...stay stoney


Active Member
I like to use both bulbs for flowering and veg. I'm rocking HPS and CMH together and its the best growth I've seen yet.


Active Member
you would really rather drive 70 miles each way then just order a MH bulb online? it must have cost a fortune in gas.

you might as well have done express 1 day air


Well-Known Member
you would really rather drive 70 miles each way then just order a MH bulb online? it must have cost a fortune in gas.

you might as well have done express 1 day air
I know. But I get store credit for every $20 I spend. It adds up after a while and I usually stock-up on everything I need for like 4-5 months when I make the drive. Also, I'm sure there are places closer but I've been doing buisness with this place since I started growing...I used to live in that area...and they have been very helpfull. Plus with them , if there is a problem with anything I buy it's no problem to return it.( except the 70 mile thing..lol).I could list other reasons , but I think you get the point. see ya