HPS journal from and LED/CFL grower


Active Member
After an extended leave from RIU, I am posting again because I have started using an HPS setup since my last journal. I finally got to the point where I had room to start using HPS and wanted to show my findings.

IF you followed my previous grows, you will know that space and heat control were the main reasons I started with an LED light. I eventually added some CFL floodlights in future grows to give a fuller spectrum as well as more watts to the same space I had already been growing in without adding too much heat. I had decent success that built upon itself to the point where I was yielding a total of .75g roughly per watt of light used.

Using the knowledge I gained from the other grows, I decided I was going to mix it up a bit and try my hand with an HPS setup. I customized a cabinet using mostly stuff from Home Depot. Along with some mylar leftover from making my previous cab, the only thing I had left was an ebb and flow kit and a submersible pump from my local indoor gardening store and a 150w HPS light I bought online. The whole setup was about $200 total.

I ran the setup for 12 weeks total (one strain is a late finisher) and had good results despite a grape juice debacle the final week. I was trying to get a purple coloration in my plants and followed someone's "trusted" method. It did not work. The roots just gummed up with slime and the plant stopped taking in water. Still, I was able to pull a total of 158+g off of 3 plants. This was a better yield per watt than any previous grow I had done with LED and/or CFL combo.

I started this grow cycle on Sunday, October 30th, and will go through another 12 week period. My hope is that this will be a helpful reference for those starting out and want to figure out what type of setup will work best for them.

I am not perfect, I make mistakes here and there. I recommend anyone new to my grows should look at my previous grows and see where I started from and mistakes I have made. I will be looking to update once a week and perhaps dropping in to see if there are any questions between updates. Hope you enjoy!

Let's get to it......

I am using GH FloraMicro and FloraBloom as my main nutes. I also use GH KoolBloom Liquid early and Dry late in the grow. I started using a few supplemental nutes over the last few grows as well. Not sure if they do much good, but they don't hurt any. Those are Botanicare Sweet (original berry), Liquid Karma, and CalMag 5ml per gal each. For the GH nutes, I just follow the recirculating chart they have posted online for the most part.

Here is a pic of the plants:


There are 4 in all. The tallest is just under a foot tall. There are 3 strains: Cameo, Px1, and Px4

All of these plants are from bagseed. Px1 and Px4 are from the seeds of some purple bud we had one time. (Check previous grows for that story)

Here is a picture of the cabinet:


This pretty much shows the whole setup. Res is under the pan. Ebb and flow setup. Mylar on the walls where the plants are. Light is mounted to the ceiling by chains so I can adjust as needed. There was a fixed shelf near the top that I had to cut a hole in to allow the light to drop through. I also cut a passive vent into the top of the cab to draw hot air out. I have a square fan on top drawing air out of the cab throught the passive vent.

If I didn't cover something, feel free to ask a question!


Well-Known Member
looks perfect, i did a similar grow with CFL but not LED and im planning on doing the exact same thing you are doing with the EBB and flow and upgrading to HPS. Im thinking a 250 Watt HPS for 3 plants, i ordered Nirvana White Widow fem and another White Widow fem (forgot the seed bank), and i got a free Bubba Kush fem. does the 1 fan do enough, the small circular fan keep the temp cool enough? Good luck though, im following!


Active Member
Yes. The small fan is just to get airflow over the leaves of the plants. My temp in the cab stays at about 78-84 during the light cycle. If the square fan is not on, it gets over 100 in the cab.


Active Member
Not much to report the first week. The plants have stretched some toward the light. No hairs yet. I will post some pics once there is some real activity.


Active Member
Plants still looking good so far. I will be dumping the old nutes and adding fresh ones on Sunday most likely. Here are somes pics of the flowers starting to form.

1111111728-00.jpg 1111111728-01.jpg

Is anyone following? Sound off if you are! :D


Well-Known Member
Looking good Lucky's.
150's alone can do damage if you're tending to every other essential part of the grow.
They look really healthy and happy to be joining you in your garden.


Active Member
Fresh nutes in the res today. That should kick off some new growth over the next couple days. For those interested, here is the nute breakdown:

GH FloraMicro 10ml/gal
GH FloraBloom 20ml/gal
GH KoolBloom liquid 10ml/gal
Hydrogen Peroxide 10ml/gal
CalMag 5ml/gal
Sweet 5ml/gal
Liquid Karma 5ml/gal

I run this formula for the first 6-7.5 weeks of the grow then I substitute KoolBloom Dry (powder) for the liquid as well as cut the Micro to 5ml/gal and the Bloom to 15ml/gal. I run that until 2 weeks before I want to cut them down and then I flush for 2 hours straight with FloraKleen. After that I turn the timer back on the pump and run that for a couple days. The last 10-12 days I just run water in the res and change it if there looks like there are still some nutes getting flushed from the rocks/rockwool.

Hope that is helpful to some. Any questions, just ask. Stay tuned and I will continue to post pics as we progress.


Active Member
Just about 3 weeks in now. Here are some pics.




I can already tell that 4 plants is too many in this cabinet. When I had 3 plants in this setup, there was more bud production rather than leaf production. We shall see what the final yield is at the end.


Active Member
Fresh nutes, same schedule. Things are looking good, but I didn't have time to take pics today before the light went off.

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!


Active Member
4 weeks in now! Plants are looking pretty healthy. More stretching overall than usual for these strains, but I think that is due to having too much in the cab. Less plants is better overall I think. I think what will end up happening is that I will have more smaller buds with 4 plants, but larger buds, fewer in count, buds from 3 plants. Enough of that, on to the porn!

1128111743-00.jpg Overall shot of the cab.

1128111743-01.jpgTallest bud. 1128111744-00.jpgTallest bud w/ scale. Almost the height of a standard Sharpie.

1128111744-01.jpgOne of the tops from the front left plant. You can see how much smaller this one is than the one above. It's about 7-8 inches further from the light than the Tallest bud is.

1128111744-02.jpgThis one is the shortest plant top. It is in the back left of the cab but still good sized.

I will try to use the same tops for future pics so we have continuity. Please let me know what you guys think! Thanks :)


Active Member
5 week update

Just changes the nutes again today and took some new pics. Hopefully this is helpful info for someone, since no one is really asking any questions or posting comments. Enjoy!

Pics will be in the same order as last weeks:

1204111714-00.jpg , 1204111713-02.jpg Px1

1204111713-00.jpg Px4

1204111713-01.jpg Cameo


Active Member
Week 6 update, halfway point

No nutes today. I will be changing those on either tuesday or wednesday. That will be the last of this nute regimine. The middle of next week will kick off the Drybloom bulkening cycle.

Here are the ladies:


1211111546-00.jpg 1211111545-00.jpg



Happy growing!


Active Member
Week 7 update.

Mid this week I will start using the bulkening formula ( Drybloom)

1218111307-00.jpg Overall cab shot

1218111306-00.jpg 1218111306-01.jpgThis bud is about 3x as big as the next biggest in the cab. This thing should get huge once I get the bulkening powder running.

1218111305-00.jpg Px4 top

1218111306-02.jpgCameo (this one is hard to get a good angle on since it is in the back of the cab)

Things continue to look good on this grow to this point. Most of the weight will be getting packed on in the next couple weeks. I will run the DryBloom for about 3 weeks, then start the flush. Stay tuned!


Active Member
8 week update!

Merry Christmas!

I switched the nutes over to the DryBloom formula on Thursday. I can already see the bases of the buds getting wider. 4 more weeks til they come down....



Any questions, just ask.


Active Member
9 week update!

Starting to fill in now from the bulkening powder. Changed the nutes again on Thursday. I will change the nutes for the last time on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. I will run FloraKleen then for a couple days and then go with water only after that until harvest.





Happy New Year everyone!

Mr Skunky Haze

Active Member
NICE! have you noticed any real difference with HPS from cfl and LEDs? im in the process of planning my grow room / tent. i plan on adding a 600watt HPS for flowering but for veg i thought maybe id use cfls, or possibly combination of cfl and hps? have you noticed and major differences between the to end results?


Active Member
That's what we are here to find out. If you read the first post, it shows I did a grow with this HPS already. I just wanted to document the process so both sides of the LED/HPS debate could see results from the same grower with each light source. Stay tuned