HPS Kush Closet Grow


Active Member
sort of random post but i wanted to show gobears and everyone else my mini bong got it yesterday and its 5inches tall about

its not a slider so that sucks. the choke is just like a hole in the back it doesnt work very well, i rather enjoy the big bowl though.


Active Member
Now, you may wanna get the specifics from a more experienced grower, but i think your spindly problem might have more to do with how much you're feeding and the length of your light cycle.
i.e. your plant's getting too much food with the amount of light you're getting. But again, check with someone smarter than me before making any adjustments. :leaf:


Active Member
we're only use a very small amount of nutes, atleast for now. we just had a 3rd plant pop from the soil and a 4th one we're waiting on


Well-Known Member
plants r lookign great,diagnosed should be taking pics tonight I cant wait to get some pics on ehre the plants took off after i nuted them!!!


Active Member
i think ours were a little bigger then that. and the big 2 are about 3 weeks in. and the stretcher is like a day or 2 old. we're gonna start the 12/12(flowering) after our 5th week.


Well-Known Member
those look better than mine at 2 months, pic is of my best lookin one. its female, she has showed pre flowers on several nodes, but she has lost 3 lower nodes. all of mine were stunted because i didn't have a good quality soil. i mixed my own and the ph is really fucked up and the leaves start fallin off after the first week. all have lost some lower nodes. i ordered a digital water ph meter to test run off, it should be here soon. what is your method on monitoring and correcting your ph to keep it in the right range say for 2 weeks.

i moved her down for a day to let her stretch to make room for those new branches. that is one day of stretching between the the leafless node the branching node. you can see the hairs on the leafless node. i guess i fucked up when i attempted FIMd it. she is 8 1/2 inches.


Active Member
damn yeah thats crazy, its outragious how good are plants are doing and we're not using some special soil we're using Organic MG. its like crappy soil u can get for like 7$ at home depot or lowes. we find it works pretty well. we're basically guessing on everything. and some how ours is turning out pretty good


Well-Known Member
i started 4 new seeds in FFOF, hopefully they will b as good as yours. i am keeping a journal, it is in my signature.


Active Member
yeah, i just looked at your grow. we've learned so much since we started to grow and our knowledge is just gonna keep increasing.


Well-Known Member
i fucked them up pretty bad. ph is a mothrFucker when you dont have anything to check it with. i think the ph is gettin back to par because they have put on new green growth in the past two weeks, i'm gonna re-pot the one in the picture in a couple of weeks. i'm gonna leave the two i think are males in their cups to see how tall they can get in it. pretty soon i will have some good cloning limbs on my reveggin mother. so i'm just waiting for that.


Active Member
sounds good but yeah we dont have a ph meter and we just use normal bag soil MG organic it seems to work perfectly fine for us some how.


Active Member
bio-bizz but we arent using big doses cause we just got the samples and then we got some other stuff that we'll use when we run out of bio-bizz and i really want get the 1 QT of each general hydroponics Flora series which i know ill get at some point


Well-Known Member
as big as ur other 2 plants are, looks like they will put out a good yield. where did you get the seeds from again? i may put in an order.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the website, just might order some for souveniers in the next couple of weeks☻☺