HPS Light BUlb


Active Member
Just wondering..I saw a few hps lights at ACE I didnt look at them to close but there small like 40 and 70 and 100 watts sizes. Can these bulbs be used in a household light fixture? Maybe its a stupid question but again I didnt look at them close. That would be nice to get a couple of the 100 watters and maybe stick in a lamp for extra coverage. Thanks!!!
I actually saw them at lowes today and was wondering the same thing. They look very simular, i pulled a few out. They may be a little smaller, though.
I think the u.s standard is e26 or something and maybe there is e26 med and e26 large ....I dunt know....and if they do fit and run fine will they be to hot or are there fire risks? It seems like if it fits and the right amount of watts is there should be good but Im unsure.
all hps need ballasts .... they dont run in regular sockets .. even though the smaller wattages will fit in them ....
OK so could I add some CFLs to my HPS 1k watt cool tube for extra coverage? would this have a negitive result? This is what im looking for mostly. my light SHOULD be enough for 12 but I want to be sure.
Sure you could do that with no problem. Although I would just go with danks way because the reflector will block some hps light.