You'd need a ballast, capacitor, ignitor, and socket for each bulb and the bulb is the cheapest part.
They're probably all old bulbs. They loose about 20% of their lumen output after 1 year.
If they're new. Sell them online.
All of that comes in a ballast. Might as well tell him he needs wire, screws, and a ballast casing too.You'd need a ballast, capacitor, ignitor, and socket for each bulb and the bulb is the cheapest part.
All of that comes in a ballast. Might as well tell him he needs wire, screws, and a ballast casing too.
Do you have a micro grow? That's about the only thing I could see 70w hps worth doing.
Well OBVIOUSLYAll of that comes in a ballast. Might as well tell him he needs wire, screws, and a ballast casing too.
Do you have a micro grow? That's about the only thing I could see 70w hps worth doing.
You also need the special lamp socket and holder. As well as a hood.Well I have a closet grow. About 4ft wide 8ft long 10ft high. Currently I'm a cfl grower w/ good success. I was curious about going hps. I wad looking up shit on it but I'm confused LOL I am thinking of buying a 600-750watt ballast and the bulb. Now if I'm correct that's all I need? Or is it more. I have fans,ventilation, and space.
Not all 70w ballast kits are sold in casings and only the ballast ITSELF is a ballast. Someone could easily go out and buy a replacement
ballast without the cap and ignitor then post here asking how to hook it up without the rest. They're sold seperately in my neck of the
You also need the special lamp socket and holder. As well as a hood.
Might as well buy a 600w lighting kit with everything included.