Hps v's Metal Halide for flowering?


Well-Known Member
Hello there, I have read somewere if you use a metal halide bulb for flowering it will increase your yeilds but take longer to finish the plant off....................Is this correct????:peace:


Well-Known Member
yeha I know that lol, BUT like I said I have read somewere if you use mh for flower this will increase the vield but take longer, is this correct, this is what i was asking


Well-Known Member
ive never heard anything like that. ive heard that if you use both simultaneously you can maximize your yield cause the plant needs both spectrums but uses one more than the other during the different stages of growth...


Well-Known Member
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, sounds right, thinking about it I may have got it wrong, it may have been if You use a mh on a lowryder2 it will take longer but increase the yeild, not sure......thanks anyway, just thought i would ask the question:peace:


Well-Known Member
no problem. glad i could be of some assistance. check out my grow and tell me what you think... no one seems to be posting anything in there and giving me their opinions. i would like some sort of feedback.... oh well..


Well-Known Member
using mh for flowering is fine, your buds wont be as dense/big...but they say the mh bulb gives off alot of UVb so that inturn crystalize the buds...

i like both spectrums!


Well-Known Member
I think i may give 2 400w a go but I need to know how much it will inrease my bill first, Im in the uk , any one have any idea's