

Well-Known Member
well i have a 400w and when i put it in my room that was at 28C the temp went up to 45C but im sure the 150w would def make less heat but im not sure on how much, loook up diy cool tubes if its too hot


thanks man im looking to get one or the other plus a grow tent

i wanna get a 400w but dont want my bill to get up a lot im sure 150w shouldnt get to hot and do the job


Well-Known Member
yeah definitly if you have a 150w just put a fan dedecated to the light on it when its on and you could probably have it 6-7 inches away from you plants, and have some niiiiiicce buddd


ok thanks man cuz i got 4 plants now under cfls and the 150w im getting is a hid and from what ppl have told me is that they get hotter and could i just get some lil mini fans from wal mart and put them at the end of my ducting an just do that to get cool air to my plant and light cuz i dont really wanna buy a inline fan
go with a 400 to start because one you get the first harvest you will want to do more and with your CFL's you have a good system already to go. go with a 400 and do things right from the first time.
I agree with the 400 decision.But make sure heat can be controlled in the grow space.What size space would you be using to grow in?You probably wont even need a 400 watt.
Also i would definately get at least 1 inline fan to exhaust the light if you do go with the 400.


Active Member
Stick with your 400 because you probably won't yield anything, maybe an half oz? lol.
400W is not that expensive, use air cooled/ducted lighting, I used a 600W HPS in a daystar 6" reflector and it was pretty decent.
If you are trying to keep tent heat down to a minimum air cooled lighting is the only way to go especially if you are running a tent.


well i only have $200 to get me a light and grow tent and the space will be around 3x3x6 3x2x6 4x2x6 not sure what one to order and i dont want a inline at this cuz im going to need more soil ducting buckets and fans


i think ill get more then a half oz with a 150w with my cfls iv gotten more then half oz and im only using 4 and what ever light i do get i will be adding cfls that i already have and i might scrog to for more tops


ebay man lol and im not try to yield a lot iv seen some of ppls post on here and other forums that use 150w and they do good and im using ff nutes and soil butt all in all i think i should be good with a 150watt and 8 cfls


Well-Known Member
i got my 400 watthps used with a bulb and reflector for 150 no tax, just look around and go to hydropon shops that buy and sell used equipment or ebay im sure you could find a deal, but if you cant get an exhaust then you should get the 150, usualyy .5g for evry watt , but if you take shit serious and havegood nutes and what not you could get it up to 1g for every watt.\

god luck man put some pic up and let us know hows your doin


i was biding on ebay for a 400watt cooltube hid with hps and mh light buld and everything for it the bid was only 59 but i lost by $5 cuz i had to let my dog in and im only growing for my self if i got 2oz i could make it last till next harvest if i got a oz i would try and make it last and i only smoke at night so i think a 150w will be fine


Active Member
Yo man one word Craigslist I just cleaned house 150 bucks for a 600w hps with two digital ballasts and light hangers and light mover all equipment from HID HUT ! the guy even threw in a mist device and a supernova ballast if i do come across that ridiculus amount of money to buy a 273 w led light from HID HUT oh and a huge air cooled hood with glass huge reflector !!!!