Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

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u know u got problems when you can't decide whether you need anti-depressants or anxiety medication more

and you need to get your nuts checked out at the same time cause they've been hurting for the last 13 days from an injury
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Noc'ed up 120 qt jars in a PC run 2 weeks ago. They starting to finish up now.

I'm spawning 6 qt jars spawn to 9 qt jars substrate in a 56L monotubs. I already spawned 8 tubs still have 8 tubs to go. I'm going to pull 4 flushes of each tub.

I do 2 tubs daily.

Take a guess what the total yield dry will be? I will post results as soon as I have them.

4 tubs AA+ ms>agar
12 tubs B+ ms>clone>agar>lc

awesome thread
Noc'ed up 120 qt jars in a PC run 2 weeks ago. They starting to finish up now.

I'm spawning 6 qt jars spawn to 9 qt jars substrate in a 56L monotubs. I already spawned 8 tubs still have 8 tubs to go. I'm going to pull 4 flushes of each tub.

I do 2 tubs daily.

Take a guess what the total yield dry will be? I will post results as soon as I have them.

4 tubs AA+ ms>agar
12 tubs B+ ms>clone>agar>lc

awesome thread
That's a lot of jars/tubs - going to be a shroomy summer in your neck of the woods.

Hard to say without knowing your isolates, but rough guess ~150-200ozs.

I'll guess 182oz
That's a lot of jars/tubs - going to be a shroomy summer in your neck of the woods.

Hard to say without knowing your isolates, but rough guess ~150-200ozs.

I'll guess 182oz

I have no idea what ill yield, 10 boxes of jars

And a few stacks of tubs

Flush 5 i think ill trash that tomorrow.


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Originally thought i'd just buy a gram of 2cb and some tabs and that'd be my stash for the year, couple months later been through 10 grams of 2cb (only about 150mg left) and this is my fifth sheet of tabs. This is what happens when you're the only one with interesting drugs in a secluded ass city. This lot of tabs were 25i-nbome too and I still have people that will only come to me for them, a lot of people I know seem to prefer 25i to lsd since most of them take it out clubbing and what not and its easier to manage yourself on

Tbh been liking 25i-nbome a lot too, if you treat it like a separate drug to lsd instead of everyone calling it 'synthetic lsd' then its quite a fun time. Although anyone that sells it as acid deserves anything that happens to them, anyone that puts peoples lives at risk deserves nothing positive in their lives


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Originally thought i'd just buy a gram of 2cb and some tabs and that'd be my stash for the year, couple months later been through 10 grams of 2cb (only about 150mg left) and this is my fifth sheet of tabs. This is what happens when you're the only one with interesting drugs in a secluded ass city. This lot of tabs were 25i-nbome too and I still have people that will only come to me for them, a lot of people I know seem to prefer 25i to lsd since most of them take it out clubbing and what not and its easier to manage yourself on

Tbh been liking 25i-nbome a lot too, if you treat it like a separate drug to lsd instead of everyone calling it 'synthetic lsd' then its quite a fun time. Although anyone that sells it as acid deserves anything that happens to them, anyone that puts peoples lives at risk deserves nothing positive in their lives
be careful with that stuff man heard stories of ppl dying off 2 tabs of nbombe
be careful with that stuff man heard stories of ppl dying off 2 tabs of nbombe
It is very dangerous however it is quite overly feared, there's been less than 20 deaths worldwide from it and its the most common drug found in tabs these days. Most of the people that have died have had medical conditions (which 25i-nbome causes vasoconstriction which is obviously a recipe for disaster with any kind of heart problems or blood pressure problems) or its been a result of overdose from powdered 25i-nbome which of course is stupid to mess around with. However since these are 1mg tabs I never take more than 2, even at 2 I can feel the vasoconstriction set in, the only person I let take more is one of my friends that has been taking 5 tabs a week for the past year and even he will only take 2-3 of mine because he knows they're high dosed

its actually a pretty sweet drug if you know you're getting it and actually want it, kind of feels like a speedier version of acid but more manageable and a less self reflective / spiritual but in return i feel its kind of more empathogenic and because its more clear headed allows you to focus more clearly on that side of it and be able to focus on the connections rather than acid a lot of the time making you feel things and if you try to refuse it just forces you into it this is quite smooth and relaxed, although i say relaxed it gives you a fuck tonne of energy
i swear shrooms the last time i had em had a noise distortion effect unlike acid, i remember i was watching tv and it seemed so goddamn bizarre lol it was one of those outdoors survival simulator shows i think and it sounded like somebody was turning up and down the volume, lets just say it didn't help me loosing control at that point lol

and at one point i got off my bed and it felt like i was under water and everything i was saying echoed it was craaazy
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There were scenes that I remember so vividly, and when I watched the "sober" version... Lots of those "scenes" did not even exist. Such as where the turtles continually warp into a DMT like box (black and white puzzle piece looking tiles that constantly flipped and changed position) I never saw one of those scenes even though I saw it like 6 times. Also there were only 4 turtles. Duh, but... Watching the acid version, there were like 1.000.000 turtles all different
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