Hs Random Jibber Jabber

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or took too much cocaine and stayed up all night and have and adventure to tell.

lol me last night, we did a line one after another for 4 hours straight wit rum in the mix, passed out at 6 am, one time we never called it quits till 3 pm the next day

Whatever happened to @undercoverfbi i loved reading his posts he was so random.
yea i agree, i think tweakers are interesting lol
i choose b.)
however, got a new plug and custies, which was the whole point.. im finna be high as shit.

pics and product description.......
idk 3-4hrs


i popped a few pills, bout to smoke this primo..
lets get it
Gangsta qwizo ia tgia where u been hiding?

Whats up g imma sniff a line at my boys house then walk home. 25 min qith him felt like death.

All hecould talk about was well not being as cool as you <3

Gunna take a pic but its dark. Outside maybe later meh idgaf
All i did was sbiff a lines and sit on my phone.

Dude was flat in the conversation department.

Might of well had gone n talked go myself.

Generic oxy 80 purple faygo n some mscontin 10 that is a mans drink. Add likka if u are mN
Id probably sniff that


Ya but id want a cig after. They feel so nice after idk why but I usually barely smoke it too. Juat small draws and the feel of holding it.

Ok im doing another one.
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