HTG Complete Grow Kit

Has anyone used a complete grow kit like this?
4.5x4.5x6.5 tent with 600W HPS and MH conversion bulb.

Any positive/negative experiences with HTG tent, or supplies in general? I read some posts with some negatives about their tents but the posts seemed to be a few years old, didnt know if anyone is currently using one?

Any suggestions on whether this would be about the right size (tent & light) if I wanted to grow 3 large plants at a time (hopefully start trying SCROG with this setup) Don't mind if the tent is a little big, don't want to be too cramped in there.

Also, I wanted to upgrade to the EasyCool 6 and get a filter and fan, but in the options they either have a 6" duct fan kit (no filter) or a 4" filter/fan combo. Would the 4" fan and filter work correctly if I got 6" to 4" reducers and attached them to the EasyCool 6? From what I've read it seems like the fan moves enough air for the tent size and should be sufficient for a 600W setup in there, just haven't read anything about reducing size in your ducting, or using a 4" inline fan on a 6" reflector.

Thanks for any help, really excited to start my first serious grow!


Well-Known Member
Go for it man HTG has some of the best stuff money can buy i would for sure buy it if i had the 600$


Well-Known Member
If you have the $$$ to spend, I would recommend going with a Secret Jardin tent. Best tent design in my opinion with Growlabs in second.


bud bootlegger
i've used htg in the past and was super happy with the overall experience.. seemed like they shipped my order from the town next to mine as it got here so damn fast.. htg are a solid company imho..


Well-Known Member
HTG is legit but overpriced for that kit.

You can get a 400/600 switchable HPS/MH compatible 110/220 compatible lumatek for $180 if you look and $200 pretty standard. 4x4x6.5 tents go for $80 on ebay and work great. Ducting, timer, tape, chains... will run you $30 at home depot. Spend the extra money on a HUGE hood. MagnumXXXL style.

Most all hydro stores as well as home depot type stores carry 4 to 6" and 6 to 8" converters for $2-8 depending on how pretty you want it. I'de recommend garage sales and craigslist for a fan. Got my 440cfm inline for $30.

/e i forgot about the filter. You can get tiny carbon filters that fit 4" for around $50 + a $10 flange at most local hydro stores. Work great for small tents.


Well-Known Member
I'm a VERY happy HTG customer. Their service, selection, packaging, everything, is top notch. They are a force and are here to grow. Every few months, they open a new brick n mortar it seems. There were several manufacturers that had tent fiascoes and publicity problems over cheap Chinese tents with plastic white inner walls. The fumes were poisoning plants. I'm not sure if HTG had this issue, but most tents on the market now are safe. The concern is light tight ability. I use a Secret Jardin. I would consider an HTG... They do have a nice tent called a Mother Keeper, that is only 5' high. Might be good for a closet grow.


Well-Known Member
The kit was put together and marketed as a convenience. Everything is included and delivered right to your front porch. Sure you can save some money with chasing stuff down yourself, and for some people, that is a passion, to save a buck. Then there are others, that see a complete kit like this and get a hard on.... They click on Pay Now and then drop 5 seeds in a glass because in 5 days, their shit is going to all be on the front porch. Meanwhile, you are waiting on that Craig's List deal or the lucky garage sale find.

HTG is legit but overpriced for that kit.

You can get a 400/600 switchable HPS/MH compatible 110/220 compatible lumatek for $180 if you look and $200 pretty standard. 4x4x6.5 tents go for $80 on ebay and work great. Ducting, timer, tape, chains... will run you $30 at home depot. Spend the extra money on a HUGE hood. MagnumXXXL style.

Most all hydro stores as well as home depot type stores carry 4 to 6" and 6 to 8" converters for $2-8 depending on how pretty you want it. I'de recommend garage sales and craigslist for a fan. Got my 440cfm inline for $30.


Well-Known Member
The kit was put together and marketed as a convenience. Everything is included and delivered right to your front porch. Sure you can save some money with chasing stuff down yourself, and for some people, that is a passion, to save a buck. Then there are others, that see a complete kit like this and get a hard on.... They click on Pay Now and then drop 5 seeds in a glass because in 5 days, their shit is going to all be on the front porch. Meanwhile, you are waiting on that Craig's List deal or the lucky garage sale find.
Completely agree. Just want the guy to know that he is paying a couple hundred for convenience.


Well-Known Member
Completely agree. Just want the guy to know that he is paying a couple hundred for convenience.
LOL, if you consider prices at garage sales and once in a life time Craigslist deals, yes, that might be the difference. Let's keep apples with the apples, and consider retail pricing and breaking everything up and what it would cost to acquire, (new, not craigslist or garage sale) I think you'll see the profit margin isn't as high as you suggest.


Well-Known Member
LOL, if you consider prices at garage sales and once in a life time Craigslist deals, yes, that might be the difference. Let's keep apples with the apples, and consider retail pricing and breaking everything up and what it would cost to acquire, (new, not craigslist or garage sale) I think you'll see the profit margin isn't as high as you suggest.

Only garage sale price I put in there was the fan. Lumatecs online run @ 180 to 200 and tents 80-110 for a 4x4x6. 125 for a 6.5x6.5x6.5 and 145 for a 4x8x6. You can ebay most of this. (did you know HTGs ebay store is considerably less than their website store?)


Well-Known Member
sorry to say it but he is right...i have been planing my room for months and have been to hgt maybe a 1000 times online...the only thing that got me was the SUPER HIGH shipping prices.... I got all my stuff off ebay with free shipping and saved A LOT OF MONEY!!! its between 150-200 shipping for the grow kits. I got a..

DIGTAL switchable 1000watt air cooled hood 318 shipped
6inch carbon filter fan combo (hgt) 185 shipped.......wierd they tax so much on there site then offer free shipping on ebay.
6 inch booster fan 30 shipped
4x4 tent for 122 shipped

thats only 655 so far SHIPPED!!! and its a DIGTAL 1000 WATT switchable air cooled system


Well-Known Member
yeah as said before you can do better if you hunt down deals. HTG is good people but their shit can be overpriced.
I was actually looking on HTG as well and found to very similar grow tent set-ups everything included which I was gonna go with the 250 MH/HPS kit due to the issue of heat over the 400 MH/HPS.. Please correct me if I'm wrong.. Or some hints would be greatly appreciated.. Used a 400w HPS in the past but got very hot very quick even with proper ventilation... So someone just help me out.. Right now have 6 white widow seeds waiting to germ and have 7 jack frost clones under a t5 4 bulb HO and a 200w CFL.. Obviously not the biggest output for lumens.. But extremely good on heat issues.. Help needed! Thanks Burnt ChiefBuds


Active Member
package deals are generally fail, work out what you need for your specific grow and customize it to suit your space and needs

then go buy the items individually,

build everything you can yourself