HTG Supply Grow Tent or Amazon Grow Tent?


Active Member
Hello all, I am looking to by a grow tent in the very near future. I'm pretty sure the tent I will be buying is the 22 x 36 x 63 offered by HTG Supply. - $162

I just wanted to check with the good folks at RIU to make sure this would be a good option, in comparison to a cheaper option such as - (see link below to amazon grow tent) - $63

Is the HTG supply tent worth almost double the price. (after shipping and handling which is $23, which makes the total come out to $162)

The only necessary demand I have from the box is that it has a opening in the top my inline exhaust, which can be achieved with a simple flange. This will only have to be done on the cheaper tent anyhow.

So in conclusion, is the HTG tent worth the extra $100?

Also if anyone knows of a better tent that is 22 x 36 x 63 for a better price I would love to know.

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Get a roll of metal tape if you go cheap. Virtual Sun has cheap ones but you have to tape upper zippers, seams and pinhoes.


Active Member
Well, I think I am going with the HTG tent. Seems like a good enough deal and I trust HTG. So many others have that I feel its worth the expense.

Thanks again,